2013 Week2 CSL3 學術比賽朗讀練習; 漢字的故事 : 自, 己; 網路拼音教室:第六課 an、en、ang、eng; Project 1: 繞口令

1/26/13 學校舉行校內學術比賽School Academic Contestplease practice and well prepare for this activity.

★ Yassna Khosravi 朗讀(Read Aloud) 餞別校書 + 老師的心 ★

 漢字的故事 :


Long time ago, 自 was the picture of a human nose, however, people always like to point at their nose when they introduce themselves, so 自 gradually means 'the self', then derives the meaning of 'independence'. The original meaning of 'nose' was replaced by 鼻.


漢字的故事 : 己 The Story of Chinese Character :己

己 depicts a twisted stem of a tree, it looks like a curling human body, he holds his body tightly in order to protect himself, but the meaning of twist or curling is then replaced by 卷, and now 己 solely means oneself. On the other hand, when a tree is getting old, its stem twists, 己 is used to describe the sixth stage of the plant's growth, thus becomes the sixth of TianGan.
On the other hand, the curl tree trunk represents the oldness of the tree, while an old tree has gone through so many things, it is experienced and can be seen as a record of the past days. Therefore, 己 also has the meaning of record or remembering something, but such meaning has been replaced by 記 and 紀.

網路拼音教室: 第六課 an、en、ang、eng (ㄢ、ㄣ、ㄤ、ㄥ)


流行歌 黄安 – 新鴛鴦蝴蝶夢 Xin yuan yang hu die meng (Butterfly Dreams)

The song script source (main idea) was from 餞別校書and the famous sentences:抽刀斷水水更流,舉杯消愁愁更愁still very popular in current slang.

Project 1: 繞口令Voki set up account (optional)

(2 out of 3-媽媽騎馬,葡萄和葡萄皮,左手和右手)

Please refer to :http://blog.huayuworld.org/eclassfun/10391/2010/01/05/39115





22 thoughts on “2013 Week2 CSL3 學術比賽朗讀練習; 漢字的故事 : 自, 己; 網路拼音教室:第六課 an、en、ang、eng; Project 1: 繞口令

  1. Hi Justin: Please double check the e-mail address you sent to. I did’t receive the voki notice from you or voki.com.
    If you still can’t find the solution for your problem. Please bring your computer and show me the steps, maybe I can help you to find and solve the problem is.

  2. Hi Justin: Sorry I didn’t receive any one of your voki account notice. 🙁

    (I just check again (21:42 2/18/13) still none!!)

  3. Hi Sam : You are Increable No. 5.(+2) Please send me the link of your voki, and either oral presentation or go thur Voki will be fine. Up to you. Do you have fun while you set up your voki?

  4. Hi Lao Shi! I did the sentence quiz and I got a new high score for accurate words per minute! 35 words per minute. I got 100%.

  5. Dear Yassna: first of all, I like to say Congratulation, Yassna you are 3rd place winner for Read Aloud CSL-C group. And I really like you keep on inproving your Chinese learning ability.

  6. Hi Chloee : You are Increable No. 4. (+2) Don’t rush. Take your time and practice the speed up iittle by little, you can try playing with your sisters and have fun while you do a small competition.

  7. Hi lao shi,
    I listened to the grape tounge twister several times. I tried to say it slowly and still couldn’t say it. I would stumble in the middle and have to stop.

  8. Hi Lao Shi! I did the lesson #6 sentence quiz and I got 30accurate words per minute. I got 100%.I am still practicing my read-aloud and improving.

  9. Hi Lao Shi! I am still practicing the read-aloud.I’ll try my best on Saturday!I also watched the ways zi4 and ji3 are formed. It is easier to write them now.

  10. Hi lao shi!
    This is Deeba. I watched all of the videos o0n the blog and found they were very interesting. I also learned the two characters zi4 and ji3.

  11. Dear Yassna : You are Increable No.1.(+2) Your hard work did benefit back to you. I have confidence on you. Please keep going for your best performance on this Saturday competion. 加油!!

  12. Hi Lao Shi! I am practicing my read-aloud as much as I can. I also did the sentence quiz and I got 100%. I got 30 accurate words per minute.


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