「守歲」和「壓歲錢」的由來 + 貔貅是???? + 漢字的故事:比, 青 + Let’s Learn Character 青的衍生字 課堂活動剪影






在《清嘉錄》卷十二上記載:「 長者貽小兒以朱繩綴百錢,謂之『壓歲錢』表示古時候在年節時,會使用紅線將百枚銅錢串起,發給小孩,祝福對方長命百歲。銅錢和紅線的使用當然不符合時代需求,後來逐漸以紙幣和紅包袋取代,也就是現今大家熟知的紅包(Lucky Money)。

Theme: Pixiu (A wealth animal, can bring wealth, good luck to the owner)

pí xiū音讀作「皮休」)古書上說的一種兇猛的瑞獸。貔是以財食的,納食四方之財。中國傳統是有「貔」的習俗,和龍獅一樣,有將這地方的邪氣走、帶來歡樂及好運的作用。

,又名天祿、闢邪、百解,共四個名字,是中國古代神話傳說中的一種神獸,龍頭、馬身、麟,形似獅子,毛色灰白,會飛。貔兇猛威武,在天上負責巡視 工作,阻止妖魔鬼怪、瘟疫疾病擾亂天庭。古時候人們也常用貔來作軍隊的稱呼。據說貔是龍王的八太子,的主食竟然是金銀珠寶,自然渾身寶氣,有嘴 無肛門,能萬物而從不洩,可招財聚寶,只進不出,神通特異。

 The Story of Chinese Character : 

depicts two men standing together, they compare with each other.

 The Story of Chinese Character :

depicts a well surrounded by grass, well has water , so the grass around it is always green.
In the past,
was used to represent the colour of green and blue, but such two meanings had been replaced by and , now mainly means the colour of light green.
On the other hand, when a tree is densely covered by green leaves, it looks dark, so
is also used to describe something in dark colour, like hair and eyes.

Let’s Learn Character  Textbook P.83    青-精、晴、情、請





Let’s do it Textbook P.74 東西南北Origami Game

7 thoughts on “「守歲」和「壓歲錢」的由來 + 貔貅是???? + 漢字的故事:比, 青 + Let’s Learn Character 青的衍生字 課堂活動剪影

  1. Dear Yassna: Don’t worry about it. I do appreciate your continuing learning attitude. You are Super Star No.2. (+2)

  2. Hi Lao Shi! I did the sentence quiz and got 37 words per minute at 98%. It is better than last time. I also watched the movies about how bi3 and qing1 are made and they helped me understand the characters better.

  3. Hi Lao Shi! I did the sentence quiz and got 37 words per minute at 98%. It is better than last time. I also watched the movies about how bi3 and qing1 are made and they helped me understand the characters better.

  4. Hi Lao Shi! I did the sentence quiz and got 36 words per minute at 99%. I am practicing my Chinese a lot more and getting better.

  5. Hi 老師,

    I learned that people found out that the black little demon ,”祟” , is afraid of the gold coins wrapped in a red paper. So every parent wrapped gold coins in red paper at New Year Eve to protect their kid(s).


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