Week13 Spring Go300 Lesson10 今天天氣 漢字的藝術-自然篇 (天氣) 母親節賀卡及母親的回函便條




生字筆順練習Practice 3 times for each word.




樹 树 tree; (shù )



The Story of Chinese Character :



 漢字的故事 : 雨


 EP002 Learn Chinese Characters – 风 光 雷 电

 EP018 Learn Chinese Characters – 哭 笑 美 丑

EP028 Learn Chinese Characters – 雨 雪 雾 虹  

EP051 Learn Chinese Characters –   


EP067 Learn Chinese Characters –

EP100 Learn Chinese Characters –


漢字的藝術-自然篇 (天氣) 請找找看,你認識幾個字?

How many Chinese Charactors can  you find from the video?



日 暈 朝 莫 晶 月
明 虹 氣 申 電 雷
() 雨 谷 川 派
衍 回 淵 丘 阜 陽
嵩 山 水  

一年一度的母親節,為感謝媽媽的辛勞, 請準備母親節感言『媽媽我有話要跟您說‧‧(媽媽為我做了些什麼?我能為媽媽做些什麼?     

Please prepare a short note or letter to Mom, to show your appreciation and special Mother’s day gift for her. A nice song? a tender message? prepare breakfast for her?——–.

sand drawing / 沙画 母親節 

 楊耀東 – 天下的媽媽都是一樣的



19 thoughts on “Week13 Spring Go300 Lesson10 今天天氣 漢字的藝術-自然篇 (天氣) 母親節賀卡及母親的回函便條

  1. Hi Jade: Thank you for the summary of your whole week effort, and I am glad you did improve a lot. You are Fantastic No.2 (+2)

  2. Hi Lao Shi

    My best score this week was 30 per minute, ended at 9 minutes, and 99 percent. I did the typing on sentence builder on lesson 10. This week I did the sentence builder 7 times this week.

  3. Hi Lao Shi! I watched the movies about dian4, feng2,guang1, and lei2. I will turn in my mother’s day card on Saturday.

  4. Hi Yassna:
    (1) You can write in English, but if you can write with Chiness charactors, you will get more points.
    (2) Mother reply letter can be in English or Chinese, and you will show in 5/11/13 Saturday class, to get your extra points.

  5. Hi Lao Shi! I did my homework and colored in the Mother’s Day card. For the card, does the message have to be written in Chinese? my mom can’t read or write Chinese that well. Does the message from your mom have to be written before Saturday?

  6. Hi Lao Shi!

    I found out from the video that the character for tree is 樹, and that the character for snow is 雪.

  7. Hi Lao Shi! For the sentence quiz I got 30 words per minute at 98%. It isn’t that bad, because we’re starting a new lesson.

  8. Hi Jade: I am glad to see your improvement. May I know which lesson are you woring on? And is for the Word drill or sentence drill? You don’t need to report everyday, just submit the best score you have to me with screen shot.

  9. Lao Shi, as you know that I did the typing test and got 22 per minute and stopped at 10 minutes, well I did the test again that same day and got 23 per minute and stopped at 9 minutes. The first time I missed 2 characters and got 98 percent, and on the test where I got 23 I got 99 percent and missed one character.

  10. Hi Lao Shi

    According to our calendar page on our green folder, do we do page 61 only because we really should be doing pages 62 and 63 according to the calendar date?

  11. Hi 老師,
    after i watched the videos 樹,雨,and風 I learned that that 樹 means trees,雨 means rain 和 風 means wind

  12. 母親節popup賀卡及母親的回函便條,是由25A 徐于婷所提供的。謝謝她的分享!

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