Week11 Spring CSL3 學習成果展 話劇:豆豆學中文 用中文說故事




豆豆學中文 script with pinyin.pdf 


王興偉(爸爸)+Deeba (媽媽)+ 陳繼豪(果果)+Yasnna (豆豆)

 車怡姍 說故事 :三隻小豬  handmade book


可莉 說故事 :好吃懶做的小象 

Victoria 說故事 :鳥媽媽的蛋不見了

黃媁婷 說故事 :小老鼠貝貝

 遊戲學中文: 請點選下面圖案,複習第九課生字和生詞.


11 thoughts on “Week11 Spring CSL3 學習成果展 話劇:豆豆學中文 用中文說故事

  1. Hi 老師,

    For the strawberry game, I played it twice. On the first time, I got 2 wrong and 12 correct. One the second time, I got 0 wrong and 12 correct.

  2. Hi lao shi!
    I played the strawberry game and got 5 wrong and 12 right. I saw that many of the vocabulary was from lesson 9 while I was doing it.

  3. Hi lao shi!
    I played the angry birds game and got five points without missing anything during my second game. I couldn’t get anything better for it because I ran out of time after I got the five points.


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