Week7 Class Activities Project1「我的名字」成果展

 生字筆順練習Practice 3 times for each word.




(資料來源:http://edu.ocac.gov.tw/biweekly/596/a.htm )


 自我複習和評 http://quizlet.com/10067972/mz4-3-1-flash-cards/


網路拼音教室  三課 g、k、h、j、q、x


Project 1 我的姓名presentation- Please choose your favorate one (you can choose more than one) and provide the reason why? (After your vote the presenter will got one honnor stamp)





森倫 Simran Dhakalia

P1 Chinese Show&Tell: 我的好朋友   – What do you think about her performance?

Please describe how she introduce her good friend. (You can provide your answer in English or Chinese.)

卓依婷 – 朋友 (Friends)  – Sing along and try to figure it out about the meaning of song.

朋友歌  -Please use your own words to describe what is the really meaning for the friendship?

The Story of Chinese Character :友  

友 depicts one hand holding with another hand(又), when we are friends, we will hold each other's hand to show our familiarity.

14 thoughts on “Week7 Class Activities Project1「我的名字」成果展

  1. Hello Lao Shi,

    I watched all the videos and did the quizlet.

    I liked Jackie’s presentation the best. I understood it best. She also has good pronunciation and does not hesitate as badly as other people

  2. 1. I wrote all the words three times.
    2. I saw that thanksgiving video. I also did that test too.
    3. I did all of the Quizlet games.
    4. I watched that video.
    5. I chose the second one cause he was clear and had little stops/forgetting.
    6. I can hardly know what she was saying.
    7. What friends do.
    8. friends work together.
    9.I watched that word history video.

  3. Dear 采蓓(Korrie ):You are Remarkable No.4 (+6) Your feedback very detail and organized. I like your work very much. Please keep going.

  4. Hi Laoshi,
    Today I did:
    2.played scatter game many times
    3.watched the Thanksgiving story and did the test
    4.watched the presentation videos
    I like the second video the best because I could understand what she was saying and her presentation was pretty smooth.
    5.watched the pin-yin video and the Story of Chinese characters

  5. Dear 高永真(Jackie):You are Remarkable No.3 (+3) Thank you for your vote for-Project 1 “我的姓名” presentation.

  6. i watched the videos.
    for the name videos, I liked #3 best because she provided pictured and it was easy to understand.

  7. I did not have enough space so I will continue from here.
    7.I liked Evan’s name story the best because all the others had an accent and all was so quiet.
    8.finally I watched the chinese character story.

  8. 1.I practiced my words.
    2.I got all correct for the Learn.
    3.I read the story of why we celebrate Thanksgiving.I was not able to do its test.
    4.I got 100% on the test.
    5.I studied the cards.
    6.I did the pin-yin story and its test.


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