第九課 夏季運動會(2) + 口語評量:假如我是中文老師……

 生字筆順練習Practice 3 times for each word 



  第九課課文朗讀: 夏季運動會 線上資源 

繁體(Traditional) Quizlet 電腦字卡遊戲 L9-2

  簡體(Simplified) Quizlet 電腦字卡遊戲 SL9-2


 羊羊运动会13 被抛弃的冠军- What did you learn from this video?

跳遠示範影片 – Are you good at 跳遠 ? Is this video help you to improve your 跳遠 skill?

2014世界盃拔河比賽公開女子組500KG冠軍賽實況(2014.2.21) –  那一隊得了冠軍?


請自我評估Self evaluation and see how many categories you will qualify ? And vote for the best candidate to receive the honor.

最佳家庭作業優異獎 最佳課堂參與及搶答發問獎 最佳角色扮演獎 最佳網路課外作業研習獎 最佳努力學習進步獎 最佳網路漢語拼音作業學習獎 作業用心書寫工整獎 最佳標準發音表達獎





(請上網記錄你的演講內容重點Brief summary in comment box and choose your favorite one from below demo videos)

Content: 50% -Summarize in index card or note for your cheat sheet.

Performance: 50% (咬字清晰,聲調及情感表達expression)

 黃新月:假如我是中文老師 (Good Ideals!!!! Well Done!!!)

 余偉威:假如我是中文老師.MPG   (Cool ideal!! Super Stupid Student for bad student)


小小老師的心聲 – 假如我是中文老師。。。。。

 高永真 假如我是中文老師

 妮可 假如我是中文老師- 教學示範

10 thoughts on “第九課 夏季運動會(2) + 口語評量:假如我是中文老師……

  1. 1)I practiced three times
    3)It is easier to get things done as a team than by yourself.
    4) I have done long jump but I’m not very good at it. I’m not sure if this video will help me because I’m very short
    5)Yellow team won
    6)I think I am pretty good at class participating. I’m not sure if I deserve an award for it though.
    7)I watched this video and some of the others but I don’t have a favorite.

  2. 1. I practiced each word three times:  追 緊 舟 遊 結 軍 祝 向
    2. Even if you are good at something, you should not be conceited. Always work with others.
    3. I am not good at 跳遠. I’m not sure if the video helped me because I haven’t tried.
    4. The team in the yellow jackets won because they were synchronized.
    5. If I were a Chinese teacher: students who need help, have bad scores on a weekly quiz, and don’t behave in class, will have to stay after school to do extra homework. I would give prizes to students for their hard work. I would also take them on field trips to Chinatown in San Fransisco so that they can eat their favorite Chinese food while practicing speaking Chinese.
    6. I like the first presentation.


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