Week6 Class Activities 遊戲學華語- ClassTools.net + Project2-Michael Phelps Learning Mandarin + [補充教材]漢字的書寫方向

 遊戲學華語 (ClassTools.net) – 
Choose your favorite games.


Pair: Match all 10 pairs of cards in the quickest time!

WordshootManic Miner; CannonuBall Fun         

Flashcards: Review phrases — Chinese —>
English meaning

The Story of Chinese Character : 冊  

[補充教材]漢字的書寫方向 (What did you learn from this article?- You can reply in



後來雖然有了紙的發明,不再使用竹片記載文字,但書寫習慣依然維持由上而下,再由右而左的順序。直到近代,一方面因為印刷與書寫工具的改變,一方面根據科學證據顯示,橫寫文字比豎寫文字更能提高閱讀效率,再加上有時中文書寫需要穿插英文或數字,因此中文逐漸出現橫寫的形式,但豎寫的方式依然並行。因此,現在我們能看到橫寫、豎寫兩種方式。(摘錄自IQ CHINESE 教學資源)

 Project2: Michael Phelps Learning Mandarin

(1)我們來聽聽Michael Phelps 在影片裏學了那些中國字和句子?Please list the Chinese characters, phrases and the sentences that Michael Phelps just learned from the video. 

(2) 你覺得他有那些字的發音需要改進的嗎?Any words or sentences, you think you can help him to improve his pronunciation? 

52 thoughts on “Week6 Class Activities 遊戲學華語- ClassTools.net + Project2-Michael Phelps Learning Mandarin + [補充教材]漢字的書寫方向

  1. 1. I played Manic miner and flashcards,my favorite was flashcards.
    2 我 看 了 The Story of Chinese Character. I learned how the word 冊 came from. It means book or a volume.
    3 He need to work on his pronunciation.

  2. 1.I played Manic Miner,& its my favorite game.
    2.I watched the Chinese character video.
    3.I watched the Michael Phelps video.

    And that’s all I did.

  3. 1.I have done the matching pairs,word shoot,flash cards manic miner,and cannon ball fun
    2.I understand that the word ce4 looks like 3 bamboo stripes tied together
    3.I know that Michael Phelps needs lots of work on saying 這個女孩子喝水和汁果汁

  4. 1.遊戲學華語

    -我玩了Matching Pairs,我用了七十四秒.我玩了Wordshoot,我用了十八秒.我練習Flashcards

    2.The Story of Chinese Character : 冊

    -我 learned the reason why chinese people write words from top to bottom.I also learned that
    people in the past wrote on bamboo strip.

    3.Michael Phelps Learning Mandarin

    -Michael Phelps learned 你好,男孩,男人,女人,果汁水,茶他在吃飯,和 這個女孩子喝水 .He could not say the words correctly, especially
    the sentence 這個女孩子喝水.他 有 a funny accent.

  5. 1.我做 wordshoot. 我 completed level 4. 我也戀習 flashcards. 我學了十四字:照亮,照相機,溫暖,氣溫,使用,天使,運動,運動員,幸運,店員,充滿,充電,滿了和,滿意. 我做manic miner, level 2. 我做 cannon fun(2pts). 在 matching pairs 我做完 in 92 seconds.

    2.I learnt that people used to write from right to left, long ago. They had to write up and down on the straight bamboo strips. When they filled one strip with writing, they put it to the right and began writing on another strip of bamboo. When they finished the whole book, they tied the strips together from right to left. Today, you can still see books that are written from right to left because they still write the same way as before. Still, more books are written from left to right because it is more organized that way.

    3.Michael Phelps 學了這個字:這個女孩子在喝水,男孩,男人,女人,女孩,水,茶,果汁, 你好和,他在吃飯. 他要說這個女孩子在喝水和果汁更好.

  6. 1.我做了manic miner,cannonball fun, flashcards, matching pairs,和 wordshoot 在 classtools.net.
    在matching pairs我得了75 seconds.
    在wordshoot我得了level 4.
    在cannonball fun我得了level 3.

    2.我看了The Story of Chinese Character:冊. It makes lots of sense why 冊 is written like it is because it looks like bamboo strips tied together.

    補充教材]漢字的書寫方向 (What did you learn from this article?-
    In Han dynasty, people use bamboo strips to write from top to bottom. After they finish 1 strip, they put it to the right side & start another strips. After they finish all the strips, they tied them together. Nowadays, you can see Chinese printing from left to right because they include numbers and English in their writings.

    3.我聽了Michael Phelps 在影片裏學了-些中國字和句子:
    你好, 女孩子, 男孩子, 果汁, 男人, 女人, 茶, 水, 他在吃飯, 這個孩子女在喝水.

    你覺得他有那些字的發音需要改進的嗎?I think Michael Phelps needs to improve saying這個女孩子喝水和汁果汁

  7. 我看了Michael Phelps。他说他在吃饭很好。当他在说这个女孩在喝水。他把喝水说成xu水。

  8. 我看了Michael Phelps。他说他在吃饭很好。当他在说这个女孩在喝水。他把喝水说成xu水。

  9. 我看了Michael Phelps。他说他在吃饭很好。当他在说这个女孩在喝水。他把喝水说成xu水。

  10. 我看了Michael Phelps。他说他在吃饭很好。当他在说这个女孩在喝水。他把喝水说成xu水。

  11. 1 游戏学华语 (ClassTools.net) ━ Choose your favorite games.
    (1) Matching pairs: 我的分数是:96 seconds
    (2) word shoot: 我得了106 points
    (3) Manic Miner: 我得279 points
    (4) Cannonball Fun: 我得8 points 
    (5) Flashcards: Review phrases — Chinese —> English meaning: I did it.

    My favorite game is Manic Miner.

    2 The Story of Chinese Character : 册
    我看了The Story of Chinese Character : 册。Today ‘s 册 looks like old time bamboo slip.

    [补充教材]汉字的书写方向 (What did you learn from this article?- You can
    reply in English.)
    I learned from 汉字的书写方向:there is a big relationship between written
    tool and written method. Long ago when they wrote on stone,writing up and down didn’t matter. Later, when they wrote on bamboo slips,it had to be kept straight because bamboo slips were long and narrow. So after they finished one slip they put it to their right. When paper was invented, they still wrote from top to bottom. Writing top to bottom is a habit.

    3 Project2: Michael Phelps Learning Mandarin

    (1)我们来听听Michael Phelps 在影片里学了那些中国字和句子?Please list the Chinese characters, phrases and the sentences that Michael Phelps just learned from the video.
    Michael Phelps just learned from the video: 你好,女孩子,男孩子,果汁,茶,水,他在吃饭,男人,女人,和这个女孩子在喝水。
    (2) 你觉得他有那些字的发音需要改进的吗?Any words or sentences, you think you can help him to improve his pronunciation?
    All of the words and sentences need to be improved especially “果汁”和“喝水”。

  12. Below is the homework Michael did:
    1.I played all the games.
    2.I watched “The story of the chinese character”.
    3.I watched “Michael Phelps learning Mandarin”
    Phelps is bad at pronouncing Chinese words because he dosen’t say them in the right tone.

  13. 1. 我做 WORDSHOOT 和 matching pairs.

    2. 我看The Story of Chinese Character : 冊. Now I know how 冊 was made.

    3.I think Michael Phelps need to improve saying 這個女孩子喝水和汁.

  14. 1.我做了manic miner,cannonball fun, flashcards, matching pairs,和 wordshoot 在 classtools.net.
    2.我看了The Story of Chinese Character:冊. It makes lots of sense why 冊 is written like it is.
    3.你覺得他有那些字的發音需要改進的嗎?I think Michael Phelps need to improve saying這個女孩子喝水和汁果汁.

  15. 1.我做了manic miner,cannonball fun, flashcards, matching pairs,和 wordshoot 在 classtools.net.
    2.我看了The Story of Chinese Character:冊. It makes lots of sense why 冊 is written like it is.
    3.你覺得他有那些字的發音需要改進的嗎?I think Michael Phelps need to improve saying這個女孩子喝水和汁果汁.

  16. 我看了video,Michael Phelps 学了很多子.some words were:你好、男孩子
    丶果子 and so on,BUT his pernounciation was not so good. Maybe他可以去中文学校!。

    Eric Dong

  17. Hi 祥祥, Are you going to do more work? if you are not going to provide more work, then your participate point for this week is (+1).You are Fabulous No. 6.

  18. Dear 采蓓(Korrie ): Welcome to our 35A class. You have provided the perfect answers I ask for. You are Fabulous No. 5 (+8)

  19. 1. I played the matching game.
    2. I watched the Michael phelps video
    He learned 你好,女孩子,果汁,茶,水,他在吃飯,男人,男孩子,女人,這個女孩子在喝水。He said these wrong: 果汁,茶,男人,這個女孩子在喝水。
    3. I watched the word history video.

  20. 1. I liked the cannon game the best

    2. I watched the video.

    3. Phelps is really bad with pronouncing Chinese words. If he really wants to learn, he should practice with someone who speaks Chinese so his tones will be better.

  21. 1. My favorite game was Manic Miner.

    2. I watched the word history video.

    3. 你 好,果 汁,茶,水,報 紙,他 在 吃 飯,男 人,男 孩 子,女 孩,這 個 女 孩 子 在 喝 水 and I don’t know if I can help him or not.


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