Week16【天下第一燈】+ Christmas in the Park + “New Year Resolution” 新年新希望: How to improve my Chinese?


Please click –> 2012盛况幻燈片  http://www.globalwonderland.com/index.cfm

Global Winter Wonderland 2011-自貢燈會走進美國


【天下第一燈】嘉年華(carnival)展出項目有:中國的天壇、龍舟、宮燈、財神爺,美國的金門大橋、自由女神像,法國的艾菲爾鐵塔,印度的泰姬陵,阿里巴巴的芝麻開門、史前的恐龍世界,卡通的童話樂園,還有十二生肖和十二星座等等。請猜猜看,老師一共放了多少張照片在下面像框裡面? How many pictures can you find from below video?


Please list all your favoraite light lanterns, and how many special National constructions (lenterns) you can find from above 3 videos?   




 Please compare the different feelings when you view the daytime and night time 2 videos.

Sharing Holiday Spirit and San Jose Tradition event:"Christmas in the Park".  

Christmas in the Park  is an annual holiday tradition that takes place in the heart of Downtown San José at the Plaza de Cesar Chavez.   http://www.christmasinthepark.com/ 

How many pictures you can find from below "Christmas in the Park" auto pictures slides?  Have you ever been there before? How do you like the decorations over there? And which picture(s) is your favorite?


Christmas in the Park is the best way to build holiday memories with family and friends. This tradition has been a San Jose family favorite since the beginning, more than 33 years ago.



 Erin P.: How to improve my Chinese?






Sing along—圣诞老人

 網路拼音教室:第八課 iao、ian、iang(ㄧㄠ、ㄧㄢ、ㄧㄤ)


52 thoughts on “Week16【天下第一燈】+ Christmas in the Park + “New Year Resolution” 新年新希望: How to improve my Chinese?

  1. 1. 我看 pictures and watched the video.
    2. I founded 6 pictures.
    3. I liked the Chinese Zodiac animals, the snowman lanterns, the Santa Clause lantern, and the dinosaur lanterns.
    The National Constructions I saw were the Statues of Liberty, the Taj Mahal, the Eiffel
    Tower, and the Golden Gate Bridge.
    4. The buildings and lanterns looked cool in the daytime, but they looked better in the night time.
    5. 1. I saw 18 pictures. I have never been in “Christmas in the Park” before. I like the decorations a lot. My favorite picture is the one that you took picture with the reindeer.

    2. Read it
    6. My method is to speak to my dad or sister in Chinese or watch the Chinese news on the TV.

    7. The song is “We Wish You A Merry Christmas”.
    8. The video wasn’t working.
    9. I got 8/10 correct.

  2. 1. Global Winter Wonderland 2011-自貢燈會走進美國,我看到了 pirate boat, Santa Claus, Eiffel tower, Golden gate Bridge, the Chinese zodiac, peacock, presents, giant vase, Taj M.ahal, gingerbread house, horoscope, Cinderella castle, Egyptian Pyramid, Santa Claus shoe house, moon, Christmas tree, Chinese pagoda, pumpkin carriage, and the dragon.
    2. 我看到三十照片在正方形裡。
    3. I like the snowman because it is cute, the golden gate bridge because it has lots of lights and the statue of liberty because it looks realistic.
    4. The daytime does not have lights and the nighttime does. It is much more prettier with lights.
    5. I found 26 pictures from Christmas in the Park auto pictures slides . I have never been to winter wonderland before. I like the pictures. The lights are very colorful and pretty. My favorite is the dragon.
    6. 我會在家說中文。我要多看中文書
    7. I saw the animals build the snowman. They sang “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”.
    8. 我看了圣诞老人sing along video.
    9. 網路拼音教室:第八課的測試十題都對了.

  3. 我看了:
    1)2011 的 global winter wonder land和 2012盛况幻燈片。
    4)Christmas in the park有26张。我有去过。我喜欢那些裝飾。我喜欢那个”学校教室“的照片。
    6)那首歌是“We Wish You a Merry Christmas”。

  4. 1. 我看了Global Winter Wonderland的 video. 我看到 Chinese Zodiac, Horoscope, Santa Claus, Chinese pagoda, Indian Taj Mahal,a Cinderella castle, Eiffel tower, pirate ship, Egyptian Pyramid, shoe house and many Chinese opera characters.

    2. 我看到有三十個照片在正方形裡.

    3. 我最喜歡那個龍燈.
    I like the dragon lantern because it represents the Chinese Culture. It is so bright and the design looks very realistic. The National Constructions are the Eiffel Tower and the Golden Gate Bridge.

    4. I like the nighttime better because there are lots of pretty lights. The daytime is so bright, so they don’t have any lights.

    5.”Christmas in the Park”
    – 我看到有二十八照片.

    6. 新年新希望 : How to improve my Chinese.
    – 我喜歡 #2 和 #4 的方法.

    7. 那個歌是 “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”.

    8. 我喜歡 “Sing Along” 的歌.

    9. 我學了iao,ian, 和 iang, 的聲音.

  5. 1. 我看了Global Winter Wonderland的 video. 我看到 Chinese Zodiac, Horoscope, Santa Claus, Chinese pagoda, Indian Taj Mahal,a Cinderella castle, Eiffel tower, pirate ship, Egyptian Pyramid, shoe house and many Chinese opera characters.

    2. 我看到有三十個照片在正方形裡.

    3. 我最喜歡那個龍燈.
    I like the dragon lantern because it represents the Chinese Culture. It is so bright and the design looks very realistic. The National Constructions are the Eiffel Tower and the Golden Gate Bridge.

    4. I like the nighttime better because there are lots of pretty lights. The daytime is so bright, so they don’t have any lights.

    5.”Christmas in the Park”
    – 我看到有二十八照片.

    6. 新年新希望 : How to improve my Chinese.
    – 我喜歡 #2 和 #4 的方法.

    7. 那個歌是 “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”.

    8. 我喜歡 “Sing Along” 的歌.

    9. 我學了iao,ian, 和 iang, 的聲音.

  6. 1.Global Winter Wonderland 2011-自貢燈會走進美國

    -我看了.I saw Santa Clause,Taj Mahal,houses,pirate ship,pirates,castle,fishs,moons,chinese buildings,dragon boat,dinosaur,
    rat,cow,tiger,rabbit,dragon,snake,horse,sheep,monkey,chicken,dog,pig,snowman,Statue of Liberty,Eiffel Tower,Golden Gate
    Bridge,American zodiac,long slide,shoe house,

    How many pictures can you find from below video?

    -I founded 30 pictures


    -Special constructions 我看了:Golden Gate Bridge,Statue of Liberty,Taj Mahal,and Eiffel Tower


    -In day time, there was no light,the video was quite long, and there was little music and in the night,there was light,
    the video was short,and there was a lot of music

    5.Sharing Holiday Spirit and San Jose Tradition event:”Christmas in the Park”.
    -How many pictures you can find from below “Christmas in the Park” auto pictures slides? I founded 22 pictures
    -Have you ever been there before? No
    -Which picture(s) is your favorite? I like the picture that has a snowman and a Christmas tree
    -I like the pictures and I found 24 pictures

    6.“New Year Resolution” 新年新希望 : How to improve my Chinese?

    – 我看了 all th e videos andliked the 4th one the most
    -In like the guy’s method in the 4th video.
    -Some methods I use to improve my Chinese:speaking Chinese with my family,getting Chinese cards,study more,watch the
    Chinese news,and read Chinese books.

    7.Please click below picture and follow the instructions to hear the song is _____?.

    -I did the followng instruction.I like the way how the animals build the snowman
    -“We Wish you a Merry Christmas”was the song.The song was nice

    8.Sing along—圣诞老人

    -I sing along while the song was playng

    9.網路拼音教室:第八課 iao、ian、iang(ㄧㄠ、ㄧㄢ、ㄧㄤ)


    Answers: 8/10

    -10.(A)錯 Happy New Year

  7. 1 Global Winter Wonderland 2011-自贡灯会走进美国
    I watched your video. I think you did a good job to make the video. I liked the statute of liberty.
    My family and I went to Global Winter Wonderland too in Great America, but we went at night and I did not remember much since I was too young.

    2 【天下第一灯】嘉年华(carnival)展出项目有:中国的天坛、龙舟、宫灯、财神
    请猜猜看,老师一共放了多少张照片在下面像框里面? How many pictures can you find from below video?

    I counted 40 pictures.

    3 请说说看,从影片和图片中你看到了哪些你喜欢的彩灯或具有国家特色的建筑物
    喜欢的彩灯: statute of liberty, 海盗船,golden gate bridge, money god, and
    具有国家特色的建筑物:中国的天坛,Taj Mahal, statute of liberty, Eiffel tower,
    St. basil cathedral, Sleeping Beauty Castle, 印度的泰姬陵。

    4 请比较白天和夜晚的景观,各别给了你什么样不同的感受?
    Please compare the different feelings when you view the daytime and night
    time 2 videos.
    Night time has music and lights. The night movie was shorter. Day time is boring. Day time is easier to see the lanterns.

    5 Sharing Holiday Spirit and San Jose Tradition event:”Christmas in the
    (1) How many pictures you can find from below “Christmas in the Park” auto pictures slides? Have you ever been there before? How do you like the decorations over there? And which picture(s) is your favorite?
    I found 20 pictures.
    I have been there before.
    I was a baby when I went, so I don’t remember the decorations and I don’t know if we will go there this year.
    I like the picture of the teddy bear in front of a Christmas tree because
    I wish my tree was that big.

    (2) Christmas in the Park is the best way to build holiday memories with family and friends. This tradition has been a San Jose family favorite since the beginning, more than 33 years ago.

    I found 24 pictures.

    6 “New Year Resolution” 新年新希望 : How to improve my Chinese? Please listen to below videos and which method(s) will benefit to you? or you have your own special method(s) to improve your Chinese, please list your feedback in below comment box.

    I like the methods from the 4th video and the methods such as studying hard
    or making flash cards will benefit me.

    My own methods to improve my Chinese are: read more Chinese books, talk
    more Chinese, watch more Chinese TV and listen more Chinese CD.

    (1 )如何学好中文──外籍老师经验谈
    the foreign teacher took a class and watched TV and made friends with Chinese,
    studied Chinese culture in Taiwan.

    (2) Erin P.: How to improve my Chinese?
    watch Chinese TV , listen to Chinese songs, talk Chinese with mama and Didi.

    (3) 会十门外语的老外,用中文告诉你如何学语言
    一 大脑自己会学东西
    二 input, 有意义的 input
    三 study words, phrases, grammar
    四 要有感情,爱那门语言
    五 要有motivation
    六 don’t be afraid, welcome changes
    七 学语言不是在课堂,课堂效率低,learn from Internet

    (4) 老外教你学中文和英语
    read Chinese books, make flashcards, study hard, no shortcuts, listen to
    Chinese radio/CD, know Chinese grammar well, watch Chinese TV, learning
    a language is hard, find a good teacher, learn useful words, don’t be lazy.

    7 Please click below picture and follow the instructions to hear the song
    is _____?.
    The song is we wish you a merry Christmas.

    8 Sing along─圣诞老人

    I sang along with the 4 girls.

    9 网路拼音教室:第八课 iao、ian、iang(ㄧㄠ、ㄧㄢ、ㄧㄤ)
    I watched the 网路拼音教室:第八课 iao、ian、iang(ㄧㄠ、ㄧㄢ、
    I did the test.
    题号 答题选择 对错 正确答案
    1 A 对 A
    2 D 对 D
    3 B 对 B
    4 C 对 C
    5 D 对 D
    6 B 对 B
    7 A 对 A
    8 C 对 C
    9 D 对 D
    10 C 对 C

  8. 1.i found 20 pictures in he video
    2.in the night the park is bright
    3.my favorite lanterns are the snowman, golden gate bridge and the statue of liberty
    4.the second method will probably benefit me in learning Chinese
    5. the song is I wish you a merry Christmas.

  9. Hi Ernest: You are Excellent No. 5 (+4)

    Item #2: There are more than 12 pictures inside the cube video.

  10. 1. Watched the video
    2. There are 12 pictures.
    3. 自由女神像,艾菲爾鐵塔,金門大橋,大雪人,泰姬瑪哈陵。
    4. In the night I feel that when it is lit up it feels more bright and colorful.
    5.I watched the video
    6.i will read more articles.
    7.We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  11. Hi Sabrina : You are Excellent No. 4 (+6)

    Thank you for sharing your expernce about how to improve your Chinese with us.

  12. 1. Watched the video.
    2. There are 31 photos
    3. I liked the lanterns more than the national monuments.
    4. I really liked the dinosaurs. They looked really good at night because they were very bright and colorful.
    5. I listened. She speak very well, I don’t think I understood much though..
    6. To learn Chinese I think it would be best to experiance Chinese culture such as studying abroad in a Chinese-speaking country. Watching TV and listening to Chinese music will help too.
    7. We wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year!

  13. 5. I couldn’t count how many pictures there were in the video or listen to the song because they wouldn’t load. I watched the sing along.
    6. My favorite lantern was the Taj Mahal. The ten National convention lanterns were the Taj Mahal, Golden Gate Bridge, Dragon Boat, Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower, Chichen Itza, Martin Luther King Monument, Lesning Tower of Pisa, Temple of Heaven, And Tower Bridge.
    7. Watched the videos

  14. 1. Practiced the words
    2. There are ten national convention lanterns
    3. I like seeing lanterns at night because they are bright and pretty.
    4. Taking classes is easier for me to learn Chinese.

    I will continue my online work later today.

  15. Hi 黃詩洛 : You are Excellent No. 2 (+3)

    There is more than 12 pictures inside the moving video and what is ” method 1 and 2″? Please provise more details.

    And what is your New Year Resolution 新年新希望 : How to improve my Chinese?

  16. 1.there is 12 pictures

    2.i like method 1 and 2.

    3.i like the night because the lights show better in the night.

    4.i practiced the word huo 3 times

    5.i like the 印度的泰姬陵 and the法國的艾菲爾鐵塔.

  17. 1. I practice all of the chinese work we done in class 3×.
    2.I like the night time better because the lights of the lattern was pretty in the dark.
    3.I watch the girl & boy read there speach they work hard to write there speach & practice it every single day they have.
    4.There is 31 pictures.
    5.There is 10 National lanterns. My favorite lattern was the chinese water bottle.

    5.There is 10 national

  18. 1. I practice all of the chinese work we done in class 3×.
    2.I like the night time better because the lights of the lattern was pretty in the dark.
    3.I watch the girl & boy read there speach they work hard to write there speach & practice it every single day they have.
    4.There is 31 pictures.
    5.There is 10 National lanterns. My favorite lattern was the chinese water bottle.

    5.There is 10 national

  19. I listened to the Chinese Jingle Bells and I know most of it by heart. I will keep practicing it and my read-aloud.

  20. Hi Lao Shi! I watched the movie of the big girl doing the read-aloud. I thought she had good emphasis.I also practice my read-aloud and I am beginning to watch more Chinese movies.

  21. Hi Lao Shi! This is Yassna. I looked at the pictures in the Global Winter Wonderland and I liked the night better than day. The night makes the lights look clearer.I like the dragon best.

  22. Hi Lao shi!This is Yassna from CSL3. For the lesson 5 sentence quiz, I got 30 for accurate spelling per minute.I got 99% on it.I also practice my read-aloud every day.

  23. 蔡老師,

    Sorry, it’s 2nd time I send to you. Thanks.

    2. There are 34 pictures
    3. There are 10 monuments
    4. I like it at night beter because it is more bright and it is more clear to see it.


    To improve my chinese, at home I will type chinese and i will do the flashcards.


  24. 黃新月: 你實在太優秀了,我相信你與媽媽玩成語接龍,一定玩得很開心. It is not easy, but you did it. You are Outstanding Student No.1. (100)

    106. 海市蜃樓。有誰可以繼續接下去嗎?

  25. 成語接龍:
    1. 三更半夜
    2. 夜長夢多
    3. 多多益善
    4. 善誘循循
    5. 循序漸進
    6. 進退存亡
    7. 亡羊補牢
    8. 牢不可破
    9. 破鏡重圓
    10. 圓孔方木
    11. 木已成舟
    12. 舟車勞頓
    13. 頓口無言
    14. 言聽計從
    15. 從善如流
    16. 流離失所
    17. 所向披靡
    18. 靡微不周
    19. 周而復始
    20. 始亂終棄
    21. 棄邪從正
    22. 正襟危坐
    23. 坐井觀天
    24. 天作之合
    25. 合情合理
    26. 理直氣壯
    27. 壯志凌雲
    28. 雲開見日
    29. 日新月異
    30. 異想天開
    31. 開門見山
    32. 山窮水盡
    33. 盡善盡美
    34. 美中不足
    35. 足智多謀
    36. 謀事在人
    37. 人山人海
    38. 海闊天空
    39. 空前絕後
    40. 後來居上
    41. 上天入地
    42. 地久天長
    43. 長袖善舞
    44. 舞文弄墨
    45. 墨守成規
    46. 規圓矩方
    47. 方寸已亂
    48. 亂臣賊子
    49. 子虛烏有
    50. 有聲有色
    51. 色如死灰
    52. 灰心喪志
    53. 志同道合
    54. 合浦珠還
    55. 還我河山
    56. 山盟海誓
    57. 勢不兩立
    58. 立竿見影
    59. 影單形隻
    60. 隻手遮天
    61. 天造地設
    62. 設身處地
    63. 地廣人稀
    64. 稀奇古怪
    65. 怪力亂神
    66. 神通廣大
    67. 大言不慚
    68. 慚愧無地
    69. 地動天搖
    70. 搖搖欲墜
    71. 墜歡重拾
    72. 拾金不昧
    73. 昧利忘義
    74. 義不容辭
    75. 辭淚俱下
    76. 下井投石
    77. 石破天驚
    78. 驚心動魄
    79. 魄散魂飛
    80. 飛黃騰達
    81. 達官貴人
    82. 人去樓空
    83. 空前絕後
    84. 後起之秀
    85. 秀外慧中
    86. 中庸之道
    87. 道聽途說
    88. 說三道四
    89. 四面楚歌
    90. 歌功頌德
    91. 德高望重
    92. 重見天日
    93. 日薄西山
    94. 山盟海誓
    95. 誓死不屈
    96. 屈指可數
    97. 數一數二
    98. 二八年華
    99. 華而不實
    100. 實事求是
    101. 是古非今
    102. 今非昔比
    103. 比翼雙飛
    104. 飛沙走石
    105. 石沉大海

  26. Hi 黃新月: Bingo!! Yes, total 31 pictures inside the moving cube. You are Bright Star No.7. (100+5)

  27. 親愛的蔡老師,
    3:我喜歡印度的Taj Mahal因為很美麗,顏色很漂亮。
    5: 十題全對
    題號 答題選擇 對錯 正確答案
    1 A 對 A
    2 D 對 D
    3 B 對 B
    4 C 對 C
    5 D 對 D
    6 B 對 B
    7 A 對 A
    8 C 對 C
    9 D 對 D
    10 C 對 C

    9:The song is “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”.

  28. 29 pictures
    10 monuments. I liked the Eiffel Tower.
    I will study very hard and try to 100 percent on my tests. My New Year resolution is to get better at speaking and understanding Chinese.

  29. Hi 梁詠文 : You are Bright Star No.5. (100+1) Your answer: 30 pictures is very close to correct answer.

  30. 2) 30 pictures
    3) There are 10 National constructions. My favorite was the dragon lantern.
    4) I think the video taken at night time was a lot prettier because everything was all lit up. You could see the colors better and it was brighter. During the night, everything looks magical.
    5) 10/10, e-mailed
    6) I will speak more Chinese at home to improve my pronunciation. I will also read the 課本 every day.
    8) Radicals:目,水,心,手,草,青,包,白。
    Related Words:見,眉,河,江,情,愛,反,指,苞,奔,睛,清,泡,抱,怕,拍,伯
    9) The song is “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”.

  31. 2.29 pictures?
    3.I counted 10 monuments. My favorite is the Eiffel Tower.
    4.I think the night is more pretty because they are bright and lit up.
    9.We Wish you a Merry Christmas

  32. Hi William Cui : You are Bright Star No.3. (100+3)

    2) “19 pictures”– still wrong answer. But you are the first one who answered #9. Good Job!!

  33. 2) i counted 19 pictures
    3)There are 10 National constructions. My favorite is the Taj Mahal.
    4) I like the night time better because the things are brighter and they’re li up.
    5) sent by email
    6) My new year’s resolution to improve my chinese is to talk more chinese at home.
    8) Radicals:目,水,心,手,草,青,包,白。
    Related Words:見,眉,河,江,情,愛,反,指,苞,奔,睛,清,泡,抱,怕,拍,伯。
    9)“We Wish You a Merry Christmas”

  34. Hi Matthew Li : You are Bright Star No.2.(99+4)

    Hi 洋瑞:Did you really count the pictures? It should be much more than 9 pictures.

  35. 2. 9 pictures
    3.I like the dragon lantern. 4.At night the lights make the night colorful.
    6.I will study the textbook, answer questions, and say the phrases in everyday life.

  36. Hi Brandon: Nice start, but this is just 1/5 of this week assignment. Please try to finish the rest during the holiday (20+5)

  37. 2. 8 pictures
    3. 10 national monuments
    4. I think its pretty in the dark because it lights up more
    5. sent
    6. I use flashcards,online learning and reciting words all help me.
    8. 目見水河心愛情手指反草苞青情包抱白拍

  38. How I improve my Chinese is by studying the textbook and reading the chinese dictionary and Chinese idiom dictionary. Also, I speak Chinese to my family every day so I learn new phrases every day.

  39. 目:見,眉


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