第九課 (3) 故事閱讀:端午節的這一天 補充教材

 傳統故事39 端午食粽

http://edu.ocac.gov.tw/biweekly/562/h1.htm  http://edu.ocac.gov.tw/biweekly/562/h2.htm (端午節的由來)

http://edu.ocac.gov.tw/biweekly/562/h4.htm (動動腦 玩遊戲)


端午节的传说与由来 The OrIgin of Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon Boat Festival

 How to Make Zongzi 粽子 (Bamboo Sticky Rice Dumpling) | Dragon Boat Festival


[国宝档案 HQ] 品诗画 话端午 / 端午节纪念屈原

Qu Yuan: Father of Chinese Poetry

[快乐汉语 HQ] 85 – 端午节  How do you like this video? the characters? the topic?

美洲華語第四冊第九課(繁)-端午節的這一天  (read along at least 1 time)

http://edu.ocac.gov.tw/culture/topic/06html/06_1_009e.htm 為什麼端午節也是詩人節?


中国民间故事-白蛇传 The Legend of Lady White

12 thoughts on “第九課 (3) 故事閱讀:端午節的這一天 補充教材

  1. I watched most of the videos.

    At first, people rowed dragon boats to try to find the patriot who committed suicide, and to throw zong zi into the river so that the fish won’t eat him. Now, people participate in dragon boat races for fun and as a cultural event.

    I played the pinyin game and got 2 wrong.

    Zong zi is made of sticky rice, mushrooms, peanuts, pork, and salted egg. It is wrapped with a bamboo leaf and is steamed or boiled.

  2. 1) I think they’re saying the boat race is to rescue the guy who jumped into the water after seeing his country’s flag falling.

    I got most of the quiz right except matching the pictures to the words at the end.


    2) The young girl is asking the girl about what happens during the dragon boat festival. Everyone on the boat works together to go very fast.

    3) I’m getting more confused… the guy definitely jumped into the water… but then there was that wrapped rice thing they have… Maybe it’s to make the dragon in the water happy?

    4)So It turns out I was kind of right before… the guy jumps into the river because his beloved country was taken over and they rushed to find him and the rice was so that the fish would leave the body of their beloved hero alone.

    5)How to make dong! You put the ingredients into the dong, wrap it up and then steam it.

    6)History of Chinese art.

    7)Story about making zong zi. He ate the lucky zong zi with the coin I think.

    8) Zong zong’s school has a dragonboat festival.Uhm… got lost after that.


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