第十課 賣草帽的人(2) + 林正信+林正行-東岸旅遊專題報導 + 口語評量:假如我是……   

 生字筆順練習Practice 3 times for each word. 


繁體(Traditional) Quizlet 電腦字卡遊戲  http://quizlet.com/10078636/mz4-10-2-flash-cards/

簡體(Simplified)Quizlet 電腦字卡遊戲 SL10-2 http://quizlet.com/17900887/test


2013 East Coast Trip Report.docx

林正信+林正行 – Trip to East Coast Pictures  (Poster – Visual Ad)



我的理想是成为一名科学家。假如我是科学家,我要确定在宇宙里是不是真的有UFO和外星人。我要研究出为什么UFO可以飞的那么快,然后可以把UFO的飞行原理用在人类的飞行器上, 这样我们出去旅行就不用花太多时间在路途上。我还想要知道除了地球以外,还有没有适合人类居住的其他星球。现在地球的资源和能源越来越少,如果有其他的星球可以有更多的能源并适合人类居住,那会对人类很有帮助。我也想知道外星人到底长的什么样子,是不是像电影和电视里一样的大脑袋大眼睛,我也想知道他们吃什么和怎样生活。


黃詩洛– 假如我是獸醫


顧文聞─ 假如我是美國總統

Please click below picture link – The Job of a Mommy.

    How about your Mom’s job? 


母親節賀卡及母親的回函便條(return letter from Mom) 

Dear Cai Laoshi, (Note from 韓采蓓 mother)

I have attached pictures Korrie took of her Mother’s Day gift to me (a peacock made out of rubber bands and a little tin box/greeting card). I was going to ask her to explain her gifts in a video, but she was tied up with a lot of homework & studying for the finals. I did videotape her little speech about what she wanted to say to me on Mother’s Day…I will send it to you in another e-mail.


10 thoughts on “第十課 賣草帽的人(2) + 林正信+林正行-東岸旅遊專題報導 + 口語評量:假如我是……   

  1. 1.I practiced 3 times for each word
    2.I got a C on the test
    3.I watched all the vids
    4.My mom’s job is to take care of me and help me

  2. 1. practiced these words 3 times: 鬧 音 急 便 抓 逃 重
    2. I got 100% on the A+ Test.
    3. watched all of the videos. I liked Daisy’s the best because she had eye contact and she was fluent.
    4. My mom works as a pharmacist.


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