Week4 Lesson2 我是一個紅蘋果 part1 Class Activities

生字筆順練習:Practice 3 times for each word.   使    滿

Book4Lesson2-part1 生字 (雄筆順,轉動左下角的綠色鈕,就可以線上塗鴉了)

ScreenHunter_549 Sep. 07 13.05

Lesson 2 phrases

  Quizlet 電腦字卡遊戲 繁體(Traditional)   



https://quizlet.com/10066663/speller https://quizlet.com/10066663/test

 Quizlet 電腦字卡遊戲 简体(Simplified)   



https://quizlet.com/17581528/speller https://quizlet.com/17581528/test

 人法 personification


 延伸學習:【於是】(承接複句)的用法 於是……..的用法

7 thoughts on “Week4 Lesson2 我是一個紅蘋果 part1 Class Activities

    • Dear 懿帆:

      很高兴看到你这么努力学习,真不愧是我们的 Super star. (extra point +1)

  1. Dear Mrs Lin Laoshi

    I will not be attending your next two Saturday classes, Sept 19 and Sept 26, because I am going to visit London for two weeks. Please excuse me. In order not to be too far behind my classmates when I return on Oct 10, I will try to be disciplined and do some homework on my own !? Thank you. Enjoy the Moon Festival !

    Mu Tek

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