
On the last day of the Term 2, we celebrated the Dragon Boat
Day at school this afternoon by making zong- zi/
(Glutinous Rice Dumplings) under the Grandma Wu’s instructions.  She gave a professional step by step demonstration
to all the students and the parents.  Her
skills and experience made making zong-zi seem easy and kept her audience busy.
With the little ones, we only watched
the demo, and had the privilege to taste the pre-cooked zong-zi with our
parents! What fun!!

Before we made our way to the hall for the zong-zi tasting,
we had a bit of fun on making “candy zong-zi” in our own room.  We used the Newspaper and cellophane to be the
pretend bamboo leaves, and all sorts of lollies to be the fillings.  I invited parents joining us to have fun with
their children as well lending a helping hand to the kids since it could be
tricky & fiddly for those little hands to tie up zong-zi with strings.  Everyone had made one candy zong-zi to take
home.  Thanks to my teacher friend Joanne
shared this CUTE idea with me!  I hope my
little friends made the connection when they saw Grandma Wu showing them how to
make the REAL zong-zi after!

We were busy colouring Long-zhou /龍舟(dragon
boat)  for making the head piece to wear  for the Dragon Boat Racing on the 2
half of the 2
nd session.  Somehow
all the children were carried away and got into a play mode.  Some children became really chatty. They
talked and played, laughed then shout while the rest of class were doing their
work quietly!  Finally I pulled my face
down, and Jo-Jo asked me, you are angry aren’t you?  And Milla said, let’s make Sarah happy!   (Ha! I must’ve looked grumpy!)  It was really unusual that class in such
chaos, I wondered if kids could sense the festival mood in the air from the

All the children finally had their head piece assembled; we
headed down to the hall for the racing game. 
With Ms Anies’s class, the kids were in 2 lines, and they just needed to
run their way around the chair in front of them… I think all kids had a ball.  Thanks very much to Ms Anies invited our
class to join them for this fun activity.

In our 1st session, we reviewed our bopomo, and
Chinese numbers 1~10 with singing, reciting and doing some worksheets.  Kids could recite 1~10 in Chinese, but it was
a challenge to mach the Chinese Characters. 
We shall continue to practise and improve it next Term.  With such tight schedule today, I had to
apologize to Justin & Ethan that we didn’t have time for the
Show&Tell.  I knew they both had
brought along some fantastic stuff to share with everyone!

 A big thank you to
Cora, Lester & Leanne’s Mummy, made a delicious sponge cake to share with class.  With the help from Catherine, Kahlil’s Mummy,
children enjoyed the cake in the garden at the 1
st recess.  I loved kids’ innocent reaction when they saw
the cake.  Instantly they asked around,
whose birthday is it?!  We had fun sing happy
birthday song, and then tried the Chinese version too.  While these were all happening in the recess
time, we resumed to our 2
nd session upstairs, kids pulled out their
snacks and told me, we haven’t had our snack time yet!! 

One custom of the Dragon Boat Festival is, trying to make
the hard-boiled egg to stand up on one end at NOON.  If it succeeds it would bring you luck!!  I prepared 10 hard-boiled eggs for our
children to try their luck too, although we missed the right time!  Milla, Jo-Jo and Leanne were the lucky girls
today!!  Some kids actually wanted to eat
the eggs rather than trying to stand the eggs up!!

This was the last class of the Term 2.  I wish everyone a great break!  See you all on July 21!!

各位親愛的家長, 今天大家都包了粽子,
如果您的小朋友今年是第一次接觸到粽子, 不懂或不愛吃也沒關係.來年他們就知道更多端午節的相關習俗!去年我女兒不太吃粽子,

我們小朋友今天畫了3 艘龍舟!!(我也覺得有點多!
這是我的錯,因為我並沒搞清楚Anies老師的意思, 以為兩艘都要畫
小朋友可能會一輩子忘不了^^) 其中1艘是立體的,2艘是為了賽龍舟的頭飾,但有可能幾為小朋友來不及黏上第2,

我們覆習了ㄅㄆㄇ還有中文書寫的一二三. 讓小朋友做小老師,拿指揮棒唱ㄅㄆㄇ,
每個小朋友都很喜歡! 一到十, 十到一反覆念, 但認字形仍有大困難.下學期將按步練習書寫認字.因
時間緊湊,有一些該覆習的也沒時間做. 這我都會放在下學期的第一堂課做.

端午節正午要立蛋. 雖然時間不對,但我還是煮了熟蛋讓小朋友試著立蛋.,果真有3個小女生成功..
小男生把玩著蛋, 可能較沒耐心, 反而問我可不可吃蛋!今天小朋友都很high,(不知道為什麼哩?)
所以秩序真的很差, 整個教室總是亂哄哄的!  謝謝麗燕和文財的媽媽為班上做了個蛋糕, 小朋友非常開心!!只可惜我沒吃到

時間真的過的好快,2學期今天結束了.希望大家有個愉快的假期.  721日見嘍!!


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