Week12 Spring CSL2A Parents Notice

48795-Week12 CSL2A_2 Parents Notice.pdf

Œ語文及筆順練習: P.98  



w母親節卡片製作 (samples)


xsand drawing / 沙画 母親節 

y 楊耀東 – 天下的媽媽都是一樣的


’蠟筆小新 今天是母親節 ep148

Extra credit: 請說說看,小新送給媽媽的母親節禮物是什麼?你又將送給媽媽什麼母親節禮物?


6 thoughts on “Week12 Spring CSL2A Parents Notice

  1. Cai Laoshi,Xin Xin draw a picture of his mother, massage tickets, and a good massage.I will give my mom a school made basket, pendant, and a book, and a scarf.I like the sand drawing.Keith 

  2. Dear Christopher:I bet your mom would love your present – nice message and warm hug & kisses – very much. I am glad you double confirm your decision and completed this assignment perfectly.

  3. Dear Lao Shi,

    I have decided to give my mom a massage, be very nice, and some hugs and kisses.

    Thanks for the videos!!!


  4. Dear Lao Shi,

    Xiao Xin gave his mom a drawing, massage tickets, and a massage for Mother's Day.

    I don't know what to give Mom because I have not decided yet.


  5. Dear Cai laoshi,

    Xiao Xing give his mother a nice massage on Mother day.  He make some massage tickets for his mother if she needs it. He draw a picture post by the wall for his mother.  His mother was so happy about Xiao Xing's massage service.

    I will share my bithday cake with my mother and play happy birthday song on my piano to myself and my mother on Mather day.

    Will sing a song to my mother from Cai Laoshi's web site if I can.

  6. Dear Cao laoshi,

    Xiao Xing  give his mother a nice picture,and make some massage tickets for his mom.  He also gave his mother a nice massage on mother day.

    I will sing a song that I learn from Cai Laoshi's video and draw a nice pirctures with a lots of flower to my mom for her mother day.

    May be I will give her a nice massage just like Xiao Xing.


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