Cool Tools: 線上拼圖遊戲 掛風鈴 NeoCounter

Dear Parents and Students:

Please allow one or two mins to download the puzzle (if your system with slow CPU and memory). Please try to answer the below questions inside the comment box. Or any experience you like to share with us during this summer.

(1) 線上拼圖遊戲(Jigsaw puzzle)→請猜猜看我們是誰?

(2) What did you hear (the sound)?你聽到什麼聲音?(Please turn on your speaker.)

(3) What number did you get from the NeoCounter?你是第幾位訪客visitor?

(4) How many Chinese characters in the last puzzle? What is the meaning of them?






9 thoughts on “Cool Tools: 線上拼圖遊戲 掛風鈴 NeoCounter

  1. zai lao shi it is the
    1.chinses zodiac
    2.wind chime
    3.#38 in U.S.A
    4.萬事如意 four characters it means everything is good

  2. Dear Lao Shi,

    1. The puzzle is the Chinese Zodiac
    2. The sound I heard was a wind chime
    3. I am #46 visitor
    4. There are 4 characters, and it means everything will go well

    Thank you!

  3. 標準答案!Dear 瑛:好高興看到妳的回應!縱然是相隔千里之遠,此時我知道妳仍在彼岸觀看我的部落格。謝謝捧場,有空請多到此逛逛並給予指教。

  4. Dear Catherine, Michelle, Hazel and Faith:Thank you so much for your reply. To Faith: Thany you reply from Hong Kong, so the NeoCounter auto add up the Hong Kong flag in list. Enjoy your trip and please take some pictures back to share in the class.

  5. Here are the answers.1. 12 zodiac animals2. wind chime3. 19th visitor (from Hong Kong)4. 4 chinese characters meaning: everything goes as you wish…Bye… Faith Tsang

  6. (1) 線上拼圖遊(Jigsaw puzzle)→請猜猜看我們是誰? zodiac puzzle(2) What did you hear (the sound)?你聽到什麼聲音?(Please turn on your speaker.)I only hear the bells(3) What number did you get from the NeoCounter?你是第幾位訪客visitor?
    I am visitor #6(4) How many Chinese characters in the last puzzle? What is the meaning of them?4, may all your wishes come true

  7. Answers:(1) 12 Zodiacs (2)Wind Chime (3) No. 4 visitor (4)萬事如意 4 letters, means Everything as you wish for.


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