2010 – Week3 29A Parents Notice – Project (2) 相聲表演「一言難盡中文班」示範影片

一言難盡中文班.pdf   一言難盡中文班 一字成語.pdf   Week3 29A_2_ Parents Notice.pdf

Project (2) 相聲表演「一言難盡中文班timeline: 

 1/30/10 assign and 講解project.

 準備時間:4 wks

 Presentation dates: (3 teams per week)

3/6/10 ; 3/13/10; 3/20/10; 3/27/10.

Demo Videos:

酷比和酷爸─改編版『一言難盡中文班』Time: 2:09

陳雅琪一人扮演兩個角色,還能流利背誦台詞Time: 2:04


8 thoughts on “2010 – Week3 29A Parents Notice – Project (2) 相聲表演「一言難盡中文班」示範影片

  1. Dear Samantha: You can find all the information you need from week3 e-mail attached files and top of this title.

  2. I did mention it in Thursday e-mail. You can find the partner from your team member or any classmate. If you can’t find someone pratice with you, and your parent or sibeling like to be your partner,then just sign up with your name and mom/dad/sister/brother.Or you prefer play 2 roles in the same time.

  3. Hi Wilson: The videos just for your reference. And you need to find you partner to perform and complete this project. I will provide more details tomorrow during the class lesson.

  4. Um…Uh… What are these videos for? Um.. I looked at all of them. So what do i do now? Um… See you at school? Um… :[


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