2010年 WK3 CSL3 Parents Notice 線上 Flash 測驗 + 1/23/10 課堂活動- 朗讀比賽 預習

Week3 CSL3_2_ Parents Notice.pdf

小朋友,剛學完第六課“北風和太陽”、說故事“老鼠娶新娘”,讓我們來玩遊戲,看看你到底學會了多少?要有60分才能過關哦! Let's try it out and have fun!!

線上測驗: Book3 Lesson 6



請填寫姓名,然後點擊“填好了”,then your score will save into the system.



你的分數是 100 分!


姓名:  例:林郁為  






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6 thoughts on “2010年 WK3 CSL3 Parents Notice 線上 Flash 測驗 + 1/23/10 課堂活動- 朗讀比賽 預習

  1. Dear Edward: Good for you and I like your confidence. You have put your effort on this event, I bet you will get something good in return.Go, Go, Go~

  2. dear Derek: I double test the program, it should be fine. Don’t worry!! I will let you try on this Saturday during the class.

  3. Dear Cai Laoshi. I want in to the flash test but I can’t read at all. It pop up some kind f meaning less word + number. I can’t pick my choice for the question.
    Video was nice and cool Thanks


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