討論主題:你喜歡什麼樣的老師?假如你是中文老師,你將會怎麼做呢?+ CSL2 口 語評量: 上台練習講述自己和家人的生肖。


你喜歡什麼樣的老師對學生好? 很會教書?或不會派太多功課?風趣幽默?嚴肅認真的和藹可親?或是「好好先生」型的?


Please sing along with the video and then try to answer below questions:







大小姐 老師-120.wmv







Content: 50% (時間掌控:2~3 分鐘); Performance: 50% (咬字清晰,聲調及情感表達expression) Please collect all the related resources/materials to support your opinion.

(How to run a fun and 有學習效率的classroom?)

假如我是中文老師。。。。 謝禮

  假如我是中文老師。。。。 蔡博宇



CSL2 First Oral Presentation –

上台練習講述自己和家人的生肖。Please vote for your favorite top 3 presenter.

金景濂 上台練習講述自己和家人的生肖。

林洁恩 上台練習講述自己和家人的生肖。

余子維、凌秀雯、鄧詠恩、凌秀恆 上台練習講述自己和家人的生肖。

高永真 上台練習講述自己和家人的生肖。

  Happy Birthday  林洁恩3/19


Week7 Super student of the week: 謝蔻業

Week6 Super student of the week: 高永真

33 thoughts on “討論主題:你喜歡什麼樣的老師?假如你是中文老師,你將會怎麼做呢?+ CSL2 口 語評量: 上台練習講述自己和家人的生肖。

  1. 1。你喜歡什麼樣的老師?








    我喜歡“ 蔡博宇”的表演﹐他表演的很好。

  2. Dear Jasmine: Don’t worry about that, you can refer down below comment box [2011-03-18 17:22] |李若琳, she did provide the answers with Chinese and English both translation. Thank you for your vote. You are Good Student No.3. (+3)

  3. Dear 李若琳 (Roselyn): Welcome to join this activity. I like your comment for each person you choose. Good job. You are Best Student No.1 (+5)

  4. 1.凌秀雯-doesn’t hesitate, knows her lines well.
    2.金景濂-good pronunciation but KIND OF pauses…
    3.林洁恩-good pronunciation and pauses a little bit more.

  5. Hi王子強 : The 2 videos you saw are demo videos, we will do the vote after 4/23/11. As I mentioned during today class.

  6. Dear Cameron: You are Good Student No.2. (+4)
    Thank you for voting: Top 3 presenters:cameron,jackie and jennifer.

  7. Dear Ethan: As long as you watched the 2 videos, you have done your job. You are Good Student No.1.(+5)

    Thank you for voting: Top 3 presenters: Jasmine, Jennifer, and Cameron.

  8. Lao Shi,

    I watched the 2 videos but they were too fast for me, I can’t answer the questions.

    I vote for Jasmine, Jennifer, and Cameron as the best 3.


  9. I like teachers that will be “fun”. No, not only the teacher that thinks himself/herself is fun, but the whole entire class.Of course, He/she will need to teach, and will also need to have humor.

  10. Dear Roselyn: Yes, the e-stoke is much easy for you, because they are for CSL2 students. But it is good for you to practice again. You are Good Learner No. 1.(+5)

  11. Hi 李若琳(Roselyn): I am glad you enjoy the videos. You are Remarkable No.3. (+3)

    If you watch the video carefully, you will find out the lady is much older when 李白 still a yong boy when he got the 有志者事竟成 lesson.你還覺得她是李白的太太/老婆嗎?

  12. Hi 李若琳: You are Great No. 1. – Favorite Teacher (+5)
    You already have a very good guideline for your next oral presentation. I can’t wait to see your performance. : )

  13. Videos 很好笑! XD
    所以我們的眼睛才會看到顏色。This is because the warm sunlight reflects/moves in the air,so we can see colors.

    回答: 阿拉伯數字,你以為是阿拉伯人發明,可是阿拉伯數字其實是印度人發明。 You may think that Arabic numerals were invented by the Arabians, but they were actually invented by the Indians.

    回答:無尾熊有尾巴, 可是尾巴退化了. Koalas actually have a tail, but it degenerated…
    回答:我們有眉毛因為他們保護我們的眼睛。 We have eyebrows because they protect our eyes.
    回答:年糕是用糯米做的。 年糕的英文是Rice Cake!! Rice cakes are made of glutinous rice. “Rice cake’s” English translation is ”Rice Cake.”

    回答:我們每天要運動三十分鐘。 We have to exercise thirty minutes every day.

    回答:其實星星並沒有閃, 只是空氣在動, 所以看起來像是星星在閃。Actually, stars don’t flash, but they look like they are,because the air/wind/currents are moving.
    回答:不是。其實,牠的毛是透明的。如果把牠的毛剃光,牠的皮是黑色。No. Actually, the Polar Bear’s fur is transparent! If you shave off its entire fur coat, its skin is actually black! 🙂

    這是在講李白(the poet)。 是他的太太/老婆給他「有志者事竟成」的啟示。 This is about Li Bai(the poet). His wife gave him the ambitiousness/inspiration.

  14. Dear 簡子翔(Eugene): You are Remarkable No.2. (+4)

    請註意:#9.No, 並不是他的「妻子」給了他靈感。

    Please try again.

  15. 我最喜歡的老師會給予我們只有一點點功課,他/她會很有意思。他/她也教課更有趣。 >_< XD :D :) :o -_-......

  16. 1. 天空是藍色的,因為有粒子在大氣層,當陽光明媚透徹,那麼我們可以看到太陽的光。

    2. 印度人發明了阿拉伯數字。

    3. 這樣做,你就不能看到它。

    4. 因為它們保護你的眼睛。

    5. 年糕。年糕是用糯米。

    6. 星星閃爍,其實不是,但它看起來象是因為空氣瞬間電流流左右。

    7. 老師建議一天要運動三十分鐘.

    8. 沒有它並不是,一隻北極熊的毛皮是明確的/透明。如果你剃了所有的皮毛,實際上是黑皮膚。

    9. 這個故事的『鐵杵能磨成繡花針』是關於李白。他的妻子給了他靈感。

  17. 我最喜歡的老師會對學生好, 很會教書, 會給“an average amount based on the lesson’s depth”的功課, 風趣幽默(make things funny:) , 好玩, 和藹可親的~!, 好的工作成績,和會玩很多遊戲(^_^)。

  18. Dear Emily:
    (1) Question #8, you answered “如果剃光牠的毛, 牠的毛是黑色的”,the second part is wrong, it should be “skin”, not “毛”.
    (2)Yes,[老婆婆] is an OLD WOMAN; [老婆]才是”wife”. 🙂

  19. Dear Emily: What can I say? YOU ARE THE BEST. 🙂
    You are Remarkable No.1.(+5)

    I do like that you put the English translation after each answer, so my CSL 2nd graders can learn this activity easily. Thanks!!

  20. I felt like including an English translation. :DD

    1. 溫暖的陽光在空氣折射,所以我們才看到顏色. (The warm sunlight refracts in the air, so then our eyes can see colors.)
    2. 阿拉伯數字是印度人發明的.(Indian people invented the numbers we use today.)
    3. 無尾熊有尾巴, 但是尾巴退化了.(Koalas do have a tail, but it has been deteriorated.)
    4. 我們有眉毛因為他們保護我們的眼睛. (We need eyebrows because they protect your eyes.)
    5. 年糕是用糯米做的. 年糕的英文是Rice Cake. (Rice cakes are made of sticky rice.)
    6. 老師建議一天要運動三十分鐘.(You have to exercise 30 minutes a day.)
    7. 星星並沒有在閃, 只是空氣在流動, 所以看起來像是星星在閃. (The stars are actually not twinkling, but it looks like it is twinkling because air currents are flowing around.)
    8. 不是, 北極熊的毛是透明的.如果剃光牠的毛, 牠的毛是黑色的.(No, a polar bear’s fur is clear/transparent. If you shaved off all its fur, the skin is actually black.)
    9.『鐵杵能磨成繡花針』是講李白的故事.是老婆婆給他「有志者事竟成」的啟示. (The story of『鐵杵能磨成繡花針』is about li3 bai2. His wife (?) gave him the inspiration.


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