暑假作業:精選動畫故事 +三十六計+語文高手和量詞大考驗 +說說唱唱《弟子規》小朋友給小朋友的話[1]+《弟子規》動畫片1 -6

 精選動畫故事 total 24 stories, please record the date and a few words about the main ideal  after you finished each story  in the comment box to get your credit for next semenster.

 Message from school 教務處: SJCS is trying to encourage our students to continue working on their Chinese during the summer.  We are going to give out prizes for students who turn in their summer exercises.


 煩請老師們幫同學們準備暑期作業:使用MZHY 課本作業或其他輔助教材均可,請同學們在暑假中完成,並於新學年上課的第一日交給新老師,教務處會派發小禮物作獎. 
 a. 鼓勵四年級或以上的學生,使用課文來打字,加強翻譯,閱讀測驗練習,看圖作文、高班則需加強造句與作文的能力 
 b. 四年級以下的同學可用抄寫方式,練習筆順等;作文與造句、從低年級閱讀測驗練習,並可用簡單語句解答,以加強學生國語文程度。

http://edu.ocac.gov.tw/biweekly/36story/index.htm 三十六計 + 僑教雙週刊精選集
請從下面連結 link 選出你喜歡的文章或詞句抄寫記錄並加註英文翻譯



[以上2 flash games 資源取自:顏國雄老師 雄之家http://mail.lsps.tp.edu.tw/~gsyan/works/flash/


一隻、一枝、一打……這些量詞你知道怎麼用嗎?挑戰一下你對量詞的瞭解程度。目前的題庫的來源主要是由雄老師將之前王文裕老師設計的"喜從天降”CAI 中的題庫轉換而來。

[感謝 顏國雄老師的慷慨分享 受惠不少莘莘學子和華文教師]               

 影片 誦『弟子規』動畫片

《弟子規》原名《訓蒙文》,是清朝康熙年間秀才李毓秀,採用《論語》學而篇第六條的文義,以淺近通俗的文字,三字一句,兩句一韻編纂而成。其內容主要是列述弟子在家、出外、待人接物與學習上所應該遵守的規範。後來,清朝的賈存仁修訂改編《訓蒙文》,並改為《弟子規》(students' rules)而此書也就成為清代至民國年間通用的兒童啟蒙讀物了

[參考資料:弟子規公益網 http://dizigui.cn/default.asp

Please try to understand the meanings and then memorize them. 如果你需要翻譯和解說,請點擊以下連結。

Di Zi Gui弟子規》白話文及英語翻譯 English & Vernacular Chinese


請任意選讀以下:"小朋友給小朋友的話"1影片,先了解《弟子規》與我們日常生活中為人處世的實例;然後再藉由《弟子規》動畫片1 -6的韻律節奏, 來加強練習讀誦和認字的能力。如此一來,就不用擔心,孩子們的中文會不經意的在暑假中荒廢了。我好喜歡那三個小朋友的對話喔!你呢

《说说唱唱》《弟子规》 小朋友给小朋友的话【1】









29 thoughts on “暑假作業:精選動畫故事 +三十六計+語文高手和量詞大考驗 +說說唱唱《弟子規》小朋友給小朋友的話[1]+《弟子規》動畫片1 -6

  1. 6)三馬毛毛蟲- 如果你努力工作,你會不會後悔.
    7)射曰彩虹- 大並不意味著強.
    8)風,雨,雪三兄弟- 是最強大的一個,讓別人快樂,沒有悲傷.
    9)熊媽媽- 不斷學習日常生活技能.
    10)冷靜的老驢子- 如果你發現自己陷入困境,首先想到的,並幫助自己.
    to be continued…

  2. 1)三隻小豬- 如果你努力工作,你會不會後悔.
    2)青蛙和老鼠- 如果你傷害別人,你會得到傷害.
    3)馬和驢子- 幫助別人,如果你是聰明. 如果你是自私的,攜帶的恥辱
    4)蚊子和獅子- 每個人都有自己的力量,但你必須小心,不要傷了自己.
    5)薔薇花- 故事的主要思想是一個漂亮的女孩名字叫薔薇被強迫結婚皇帝. 她跑了一個男孩,但是,當士兵試圖抓她,他們跳下懸崖死亡.
    to be continued…

  3. Laoshi:

    I listened to the following stories during the summer:

    1. The three little pigs
    2. The frog and the mouse
    3. The horse and the donkey
    4. The mosquito and the lion
    5. Rose
    6. Rainbows appear when the sun dims
    7. The wind, rain and snow brothers
    8. Mother bear
    9. City mouse and the village mouse
    10. The ant and the katydid
    11. The race between the turtle and the rabbit

    All the stories teach us a lesson. Some of these lessons are: work before play, don’t be a bragger,
    size does not matter, help each other

  4. Dear Jesmine: You are fantastic, everyone can tell you have done the wonderful job on self learning during this summy vacation. The school is going to start this Saturday 8/20/11, see you!!

  5. The moral of the story is that the most powerful one is not the one who is harmful/hated/feared and is using his powers to please others.

  6. The main idea of the story is that a young hunter was trying to shoot the younger sister sun down with his bow and arrow, but missed. Instead his 7 arrows hit the older brother sun as it was rising near noon. The moral of the story is that even if you are bigger, it doesn’t mean you have more protection.

  7. The main idea of the story is that there’s a very pretty girl named 薔薇 that an emperor wanted to marry. The girl refused to marry him. When the soliders sent by the emperor were about about to capture 薔薇, she and a boy jumped off a cliff and died. The 薔薇花 (rose) is named after 薔薇 because the flower represents the beauty of the girl. The thorns represent the boy to protect 薔薇花 or everyone will pick it like the emperor.

  8. The moral of the story is that if you do purposely hurt others, you will also bring harm to yourself. At the same time, you should be careful of people who take advantage of you.

  9. 歡迎克曼老師光臨和鼓勵。


  10. 青蓉老師:謝謝您給的Idea,我若有時間將會在Moodle教室把弟子規完成(有更多的活動或遊戲)謝謝!

  11. Dear 熊政樺:學期已結束,很高興還能收到你的reply!! 昨日在Fresh Choise相遇,而你臨走前的sweet hug,真的讓我覺得很貼心。Thank you for your sweet and kindness.  祝你有個快樂又學習豐碩的暑假!


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