Week2 CSL3 Parents Notice Lesson1 我的家人

生字筆順練習(Pratice each character  with Hanyu Pinyin 3 times)


家族歌 http://www.tubechop.com/watch/487909

課堂會話練習Please find your partner and
do the conversation practice.

網路拼音教室a、o、e、i、u、Ü 是拼音中六個最基礎的韻母


Extra point: 會動的拼圖http://www.brl.ntt.co.jp/people/hara/fly.swf

(Please email the completed puzzle in Word file or PDF file format)





Introduce yourself and your family member   http://www.tubechop.com/watch/496540

4 thoughts on “Week2 CSL3 Parents Notice Lesson1 我的家人

  1. thank you very much!

    *** Note from Cai Laoshi: Hi Justin, you are welcome, and you need to put something in the title line (標題), then will show your name.***

  2. Dear Justin (王興偉): Thank you for sharing your learning experience with us. You are Great No.1. (+3 extra points)


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