Go 300 Lesson6 我的心情 My Moods

生字筆順練習Practice 3 times for each word. 




課堂活動:製作 Frame Ornament


      Please find and list all  vocabularies/ phrases you knew inside the comment box.


配對記憶卡 What expressions did you see from below characters? and let's see how good is your memory? Please click the "Play" button to start the game. And find out which background design is your favorate one? Why? and how it affect to your mood?  




歡樂童謠不倒翁tumbler+狼與小孩+說哈囉 唱歌學中文:請從童謠中挑選出五~十句歌詞,作角色扮演練習。Please find your partner and  5~10 sentences for role playing presentation.


請問:如果你高興時你就會做什麼動作? If you are happy and you will…..?   Please list all the action verbs from the #3 說哈囉 song and make your own choice too.

  New Year Resolution – How to improve my Chinese?   




21 thoughts on “Go 300 Lesson6 我的心情 My Moods

  1. Hi lao shi!
    This is Deeba.I played Activity 4 once and I got 56 seconds. It was really hard especially since I didn’t know the characters.

  2. Hi Lao Shi!I did the sentence quiz and I got 24% for the accurate spelling per minute. I got 100%. I also did the Tic-Tac-Toe several times and my best time was 51 seconds.

  3. Hi Lao Shi!!
    I played activity 4 three times 🙂 The first one took 32 seconds, the second one took 32 seconds (again), and the third one took 37 seconds.

  4. Hi lao shi,

    I did activities 3 and 4.
    I played activity 4 twice. The first one took 41 seconds, the second took 1:09.
    Also, I watched the video in activity 6

  5. Lao Shi,

    I played games three and four. I wrote the characters down three times and put a phrase and meaning.

    I would laugh and clap my hands if I was happy.

  6. Hi Raymond: Welcome to join the online homework activities. For the 1st game, you need to list all the words you recognized from you have learned before. (At least 10 phrases/words to complted this assignment.) Anyway, you have earned 4+4+4=12 points from this lesson.

  7. Dear Emily: Good job!! You have earned 5+5+5+3+18 points online homework from this lesson6. I am glad, you like it and you think it is fun. Please keep going. : )

  8. Dear Lao Shi,
    This is my first time that I’ve done my chinese homework. The first one just kept going so i stopped at a 3 minute mark the second i got 27 seconds and the third one i got 50 seconds.

  9. Hi Lao Shi
    I played three online games. The 1st game I played was 42 seconds. The 2nd game was 33 seconds. And the last one was 1 minute and 9 seconds. It was fun and I liked it, but I needed some help from my mom because some words I did not understand. I also practiced the words 3 times and wrote the pinyin. Have a nice day!!

  10. Hi Lao Shi
    I played three online games. The 1st game I played was 42 seconds. The 2nd game was 33 seconds. And the last one was 1 minute and 9 seconds. It was fun and I liked it, but I needed some help from my mom because some words I did not understand. I also practiced the words 3 times and wrote the pinyin. Have a nice day!!

  11. Hi Erin: good job, but I need more work from you. Please do the other items as well. You are Good Student No. 2.(+4)


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