Go300 Lesson9 電視節目 生字筆順練習+漢字的故事:國 + 清明節 +二十四节气歌 (中国儿歌) +【遊戲學華語】錯別字大考驗



生字筆順練習Practice 3 times for each word.



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家長樂於參與,讓孩子的學習更添樂趣。More fun to learn with Parent participate.

 相聲表演 父子檔 – 『中文比英文容易學』 

課堂活動:你說我表演- 動手動腳又動腦,快樂學習





Pure Brightness Day 清明節


 Hello China – Qingming Festival

 二十四节气歌 (中国儿歌)


大家说清明(1) 气清景明 BTV高清720P




 Project1 Presentation 繞口令




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28 thoughts on “Go300 Lesson9 電視節目 生字筆順練習+漢字的故事:國 + 清明節 +二十四节气歌 (中国儿歌) +【遊戲學華語】錯別字大考驗

  1. 老 師 早. 今 天,我 played the game and got a score of 2,340 with 八 out of 十 correct. It 是 我 的 best score.

  2. Hi Lao Shi! I played the game and got 2,970. It is my new high score for the game. I also watched one of the movies about the Qing-Ming festival and learned what people did during that time.

  3. Hi Lao Shi! I played the game and on my first try I got everything correct at a score of 2,900.You know, I’ve been to New York too and I am familiar with Times Square. Hope you have fun in Taiwan!

  4. Dear 美麗 (Deeba): You are Bravo No.3 Plus Extra +4, thank you for your sharing the 清 明 festival, and your online homework the Chinese character 國.

  5. Dear 美娜 (Yassna): You are Bravo No.2 Plus extra (+4)

    Thank you for shaving your sprinng vacation with us. During the past 2 weeks. I went to New York to visit the Time square and the top of rock building. And right now I am in Taiwan to visit my mom. I do have lots of fun too.

  6. 老 師 早 . For my spring vacation I went to Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. I also went to San Francisco. I played the game a lot and got all the answers right when I got 2,760.

  7. Hi Lao Shi! For the sentence quiz I got 43 words per minute at 97%. It isn’t that bad. I also played the game a lot and on the third time I got 1,600 for my score.

  8. Hi 老 師 ! 我 watched the movies about the 清 明 festival and learned that people wanted graves of their ancestors to be fresh and nice-looking graves. They also put down food for them and 我 think they do that because they want their ancestors to feel like they’re still with them.

  9. Hi 老 師! 我 learned all about the character 國 from the movie. It says that when you put 或 and the country together, you get the Chinese character 國.

  10. Dear Yassna: Besides the daily typing report, you can share something else such as: How is your spring vacation? That will help your writing and organized skills.

  11. 老 師 早 .我 did the sentence quiz and got 四 十 一 words per minute. It isn’t as good as last time , but I’ll keep trying.

  12. Dear 美娜 (Yassna): You are Bravo No.2,(+4) for your continued hard work on learning & Practice Chinese typing. You also try to use the virtual keyboard to type your Chinese characters. Waby to go, please keep on improving your Chinese capability.

  13. 老 師 早 . 我 did the sentence quiz and got 我 的 新 high score : 四 十 六 words per minute at 九 十 七 percent . It is better than last time.

  14. 老 師 早 . 我 did the sentence quiz and got
    四 十 一 words per minute. 我 also watched the 電 影 about growing the nut tree and learned a lot.

  15. Dear Justin: You are Amazing No.1 (+8) Very Impressive, you translate the main meaning for the 清明節 video.

  16. Hi 老師,

    On every year on the 3rd lunar month is 清明節.It is one of the 24 seasonal division points.The people go on a outing and go to the countryside to pray to their ancestors. When they reach to their tomb, they remove weeds on it and give food and some paper coins to pray.People pray for their safety and happiness.They also wore a willow twig on their hair to prevent the ghosts and disasters.


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