Week3 第一課說故事:你們都是天才; 課堂活動─“字的對話”字卡比賽; 成語典故:舉一反三 + 中秋節的傳說和[猴子撈月]故事欣賞



 活動二: 感嘆字練習


規則及步驟:將“啦,嗎,啊,哎,嘛,吧,哦,呀,呢”等感嘆字做成字卡兩人一組抽一張字卡兩人介紹這張字卡並利用這張字卡做一個 A-B 對話以“呀”為例每一組上台報告一學生說:「我的口邊是馬」另一學生說:「所以我是“嗎”」然後兩人做對話例如─A:我們一起去看電影好嗎? B:好啊!”


第一課說故事:你們都是天才 StoryPlay

世紀天才愛因斯坦大腦結構揭密 (What is below video talking about?)




中秋節的晚上 ,許多猴子在井邊玩兒,















傳統故事57 中秋三大傳說之嫦娥奔月 下   















鄧麗君~~ 但願人長










同學們,每年的農曆八月十五日是中國人的中秋節,你吃月餅了嗎?你還知道有哪些其他節慶的應景美食呢?請來考考你的實力。請告訴老師,你花了多少時間完成這小測驗? (遊戲摘錄自僑教雙週刊538) 節慶與美食配對遊戲 




27 thoughts on “Week3 第一課說故事:你們都是天才; 課堂活動─“字的對話”字卡比賽; 成語典故:舉一反三 + 中秋節的傳說和[猴子撈月]故事欣賞

  1. 3.第一課說故事:你們都是天才:I watched the video.
    4. I watched the video of Einsteins’ brain.His brain split in two.
    5. I watched the monkey video. The moon didn’t fall.
    6.I don’t have a favorite.
    7.I watched the musical video of Teresa Deng. I don’t understand the words.
    8. 举一反三 means to apply what you learn from 1 area to another area.
    9.I played the game.

  2. 3. 第一課說故事:你們都是天才
    – I watched the video.

    4. 世紀天才愛因斯坦大腦結構揭密
    – The video talks about Albert Einstien’s brain.His brain was ligther than normal adults, but his nerve sysystem was dense
    in the brain. His intelligence was not purely born with, but through hard work. He was a very smart and intelligence genius.

    5. 小朋友!月亮真的掉進井裡了嗎?這是怎麼一回事兒?請用你自己的話,告訴我們,好嗎?
    – The moon did not fall. It was just the moon’s reflection.

    6. 有關中秋節的傳說,你最喜愛那一個?為什麼?
    – I like 吳剛伐桂樹 the most because the self healing tree is very interesting to me.

    7. 鄧麗君-月亮代表我的心
    – I like both of the songs

    8. 成語典故:舉一反三
    – I understand what 舉一反三 means.

    9. 同學們,每年的農曆八月十五日是中國人的中秋節,你吃月餅了嗎?
    – I played the game and matched all foods correctly.

  3. Wow, 劉福宗: Great job!! Nice answers very details. Thank you for your effort. You are Amazing No. (+10)

  4. Lao Shi,
    3. I’ve watched the video

    4. The scientist studied Albert Einstein’s brain. The brain was a little lighter the other people and the front lobe has a split and more foldings. However, he has to learn and work hard to be smart.

    5. The moon did not fall. It was just the moon’s reflection.

    6. My favorite story is 嫦娥奔月.

    7. I like both songs.

    8. I understand 成語典故:舉一反三. You need to use your creativity to do something you have learn.

    9.老師,我花了45 second 完成這小測驗

  5. Cai Lao Shi,
    3. I watched the video.

    4. The story is about Albert Einstein the genius. The scientist did a research on his brain. The front lobe of his brain is split that increased his imagination and coordination. The truth is that he put in a lot of effort to learn and use his imagination. The size of the brain does not determine how smart you are, it is about how willing you are to work and learn.

    5.The monkeys thought the moon fell into the well. It was actually the reflection. The monkeys tried hard to catch the moon and rescue it to put it back into the sky.

    6.My favorite story is 玉兔搗藥. The rabbit sacrificed himself to feed the poor, hungry man.

    7.I like her songs. She is my grandma’s favorite singer.

    8. I understand 舉一反三. It means if you understand one thing, you understand the ones related to it and elaborate more to it.

    9. 老師,我花了1 min 完成這小測驗.

  6. Dear teacher LIN, I had fun watching the story of moon festival and
    noticed you can not touch the sun in the monkey video .
    I practicing now and I am doing fine.
    Bye,Nolan Jue.

  7. Dear John: The e stroke is located underneath of the


    生字筆順: 秋 晚 井 隻 面 亮 掉

    Please check again and reply online.

    Cai Laoshi

  8. Dear Lao Shi,

    When the monkeys saw the moon in the well, it was really the moon’s reflection in the water. Hilarious monkeys!


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