Week7 Parents Notice – Voxopop + Voki 線上錄音工具介紹 + Voki成果展 +萬聖節角色扮演活動

 中國話歌詞 中國話歌詞.pdf  中國話 with 注音符號.pdf

 (Enlarge version 請點此)    (Hanyu Pinyin version )



(i) You need to sign up a free Voxopop account to access this assignment. (username, password, e-mail address,country, you can upload your picture or simply use the icom they provid.)

(ii) Once you have your Voxopop account, please login, click “Record a message”, 錄音使用方式:可打字,用電話或用麥克風錄音。Then, it will automatically upload and line up with 我的錄音檔. Try it out and have fun. 

錄音作業(Voki):請選擇兩則你最喜歡的“中國話”繞口令,再用Voki 錄音,你就會看到你的avatar替身在說繞口令喔。

How to create your own Voki ?

(1) Please go to  http://www.voki.com/ register an account.

(i). You need to provide your e-mail+ Password+ Birthday +Check sign for agree Voki terms andcondition.  “finish”) then

(ii) go to your e-mail to activate your Vokiaccount.

 (2) Please go to  http://www.voki.com/ customize your character選個自己要的畫像, 腦袋和眼睛會隨著滑鼠轉動的喔!Please try the above sample and  聽聽老師說甚麼話。  

(3) Get it a voice – Voki 的使用方式:可打字,用電話或用麥克風錄音。Voki 的限制:錄音長度不能超過一分鐘,所以請小朋友先唸熟了再錄音。

(4) 選背景, 調整畫像的大小等      

(5) 選邊框顏色                                             

(6 用麥克風輸入, click the “done”, 再按圖下方的播放鍵, 就可試聽。

(7) 按照指示,可重聼,重錄,或按“publish”,即可上傳存檔。

(8) 請按“Send to a friend”,輸入老師的e-mail address 或其他你想寄的人。

 Quizlet 電腦字卡遊戲 








46 thoughts on “Week7 Parents Notice – Voxopop + Voki 線上錄音工具介紹 + Voki成果展 +萬聖節角色扮演活動

  1. Dear 张钧泓: You are A+ No.1 (+10) Your are great!! Thank you for your effort on 錄音作業(Voxopop +Voki):我最喜歡的中國繞口令.

  2. Hi Justin: Once you ligin in with your user ID, the system will lead you to the record screen. Call me or bring your computer in Sat. Class, I will show you how to do it.

  3. Hi 蔡宗翰: You are A+ No. 4.(Voxopop)(+2) I like your Taiwan flag on top of your ID symbol picture.

  4. Bravo! 鄧詠恩 (Jasmine): I recived 3 of your voki message and post 2 of them online. You are Fantastic No. 6. (+5 thank you for your effort.)

  5. Hi 羅舜文 (Isaac):On Monday, October 18, 2010 8:33 PM, I recived your voki message. You are Fantastic No. 5. (+1)

  6. 杜欣顏(Clara): You are A+ No. 2.(Voxopop)You have done the pretty good job, but you didn’t tell us why you choose that piece of tongue twister for your assignment. (+4)

  7. Dear Joseph:I received your 2nd voki recoding.I am glad you submit this work by your own.Great job!!我喜歡你自動自發的學習精神。

  8. Dear 曾樂希 (Isaac):Great job!! Yes, I did receive your voki message. You are Terrific No.3. Adn you earned 3 extra participate points (+3)

  9. Dear 張雅筑(Emily):You are A+ No.1. 你真的好棒喔!你已經按照老師的所有instructions,you have done your 2 assignments perfectly before our deadline. I am very proud of you.(+5)

  10. Dear 余子維 (Amanda): Yes, I did receive your 3rd one voki message. And I post your voki link under this article. You are Terrific No,2. (+4)

  11. Dear 張雅筑:You have done the super job!! I do receive your voki message and post it online. You are Fantastic No. 2.(+4)

  12. To reply Emily’s question:
    For Voxopop, you only one tongue twister, and for Voki, you need to record 2 of the tongue twisters. But you can use the same for both assignments.

  13. Dear 鄭忠漢 (Joseph):Yes, I did receive your voki message. And I post your voki link under this article. You are Terrific No,1. (+5)

  14. Dear Eugene:

    You must have good time to play with your avatar, I saw you redo and with 2 tongue twisters this time. Are you going to turn in for your score now? or you still experiement with your new voki? Anyway, you will receive extra 5 participate points after you finalizy your voki oral recording. Please confirm. You are Fantastic No. 1.(+5)

    Cai Lao Shi

  15. 為減輕同學們的負擔,我將中國話歌詞,整理出九個順口溜或繞口令,放在部落格中的第一個檔案,請同學兩、三天學習一張就可以了。目前只有張雅筑(隊名:Panda )鎖定11/13表演。


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