Week8 Class Activities 美洲華語 第四冊第三課:感恩節說笑話比賽 (2)

 生字筆順練習Practice 3 times for each word.



 ㄓㄨˋ (漢拼)zhù   顯著、著  

  ㄓㄨㄛˊ (漢拼)zhuó   著色、穿著

 ㄓㄠˊ (漢拼)zháo   找著、睡著

 ㄓㄠ (漢拼)zhāo   著急著涼 

 ˙ㄓㄜ (漢拼)zhe   




  1.正體字版Quizlet 電腦字卡遊戲 


 2. 簡體(Simplified)Quizlet 電腦字卡遊戲 



感恩節感言: During this Thanksgiving holiday, is anyone or any special things you like to show your love and thankful message(s) 


 練唱 Sing along稻草裡的火雞



萬聖節彩繪面具的製作 :Please click below link or picture:





南瓜裝飾比賽 &萬聖節彩繪面具的製作(Optional)

Make a pumpkin smile! Decorating Pumpkin

Please bring your handmade mask on 10/26/13 for contest.

Please refer below
link for your reference.  http://blog.huayuworld.org/eclassfun/10381/2012/10/26/17398  

You can create an original pumpkin. Paint on a colorful design or glue it a face by sticking on yarm for hair, button eyes and a big paper smile, Just use your imagination. You could even add antennae for a pumpkin that's out of this world.


34 thoughts on “Week8 Class Activities 美洲華語 第四冊第三課:感恩節說笑話比賽 (2)

  1. I did the test and studied new words for three times.I watched the MTV 感恩 de 心, I really want to thanks for my parents and teachers for loving me and respecting me.
    Sing along:稻草裡的火雞.I think it is funny and i really enjoyed it.

  2. 1.生字筆順練習

    -我練習 各 其 英 由 通 抱 著




    -I did the quizlet and got 100%

    4.棒棒天使 – 感恩的心

    -我看了.It was about girls singing 感恩的心.


    -During this Thanksgiving Holiday,I want to thank my parents for taking care of me.


    -我看了.It was about a girl and a boy trying to catch a turkey.They couldn’t catch it.
    The vidoe is funny and i enjoyed it.


    -I didn’t have time to do it

    8.南瓜裝飾比賽 &萬聖節彩繪面具的製作

    -I didn’t have time to do it


    -I didn’t have time to do it

  3. 1.我寫了三次各 其 英 由 通 抱 著的筆順練習.

    2.我看了著的多音字. 它有很多不同的讀法和音調.


    Scatter我得了33 second.

    Space Race 我得了1000分.


    4.我看了棒棒天使 – 感恩的心 video. 很好聽. 很有意思.

    5. 感恩節感言: 我要感謝媽媽照顧我. 我也感謝爸爸上班賺錢.

    6.練唱 Sing along:稻草裡的火雞很好笑. 它不要給小孩子捉到.

    7. 我要參加萬聖節彩繪面具的製作比賽.

  4. 1.我做了三次生字筆順練習.


    3.我做 flashcards, test, scatter, learn.
    space race 我得了200分

    4.我看了棒棒天使 – 感恩的心 video.

    5. 感恩節感言: 我感謝爸爸和媽媽照顧我。我也感謝我的哥哥跟我玩。

    6.練唱 Sing along:稻草裡的火雞很有趣.

    7. 我要參加南瓜裝飾比賽.

  5. 1 生字笔顺练习:Practice 3 times for each word.
    各 其 英 由 通 抱 着

    I studied.

    3 自我复习和评量 http://quizlet.com/10068714/mz4-3-2-flash-cards/
    我做了each drill: cards, learn, speller (got 100%), scatter (score is 22.9 seconds),and space race (score is 80 points).

    4 棒棒天使 – 感恩的心
    I watched 棒棒天使 – 感恩的心. I don’t understand it.
    5 感恩节感言: During this Thanksgiving holiday, is anyone or any special
    things you like to show your love and thankful message(s) ?

    During this Thanksgiving holiday, I want to thank my parents. They give me food and shelter. They give me toys and drawing paper. They let me do robotics.

    6 练唱 Sing along:稻草里的火鸡
    我看了Sing along:稻草里的火鸡。It was funny. They didn’t catch the turkey.
    7 万圣节活动服装展: I will not do it.
    万圣节彩绘面具的制作: I will do it.

    8 南瓜装饰比赛 &万圣节彩绘面具的制作:(Optional)
    I will 制作万圣节彩绘面具, but not 南瓜装饰.

  6. 1. I practiced the words three times.
    2. I studied the new phrases.
    3. I did the quizlet and got 93%.
    4. I watched the video.
    5. Yes, my parents
    6. I saw the video/song

  7. 1. practiced each word three times: ge4, qi4, ying1, you2, tong1,bao4, zhe5
    2. played scatter (15.9 sec)
    3. practiced flashcards 6 times
    4. watched sing along video
    5. practiced speech for tomorrow. I volunteer to go first
    I would like to thank my parents, teachers, and friends for everything they have done for me.
    6. I am going to decorate a pumpkin for Halloween project

  8. I finished practicing words strokes 3 times, I read the phrases, I did the quizlet Speller, Test(100%), Scatter(27.0 seconds), and Race(300).
    I watched the videos.
    I am thankful to my parents for taking care of me. I also thankful to my sister and brother.

  9. 1.practice 3 times per word
    2.Did homework
    3.I watch the music video,
    and the sing along.
    4.the thing that is special to me is my dad for cooking the turkey

  10. 1.practiced my words 3 times.
    2.I studied the new phrases.
    3.I got all correct for learn.
    4.I got 2 wrong for the speller.
    5.I got 100% for the A+ test.
    6.I would like to thank my family for helping us earn money,teaching us new things,prepares fun activities,and giving us a good education.:)

  11. 1. I practiced three times each word.
    2. I looked at the meanings.
    3.I did the quizlet.
    4.I watched the video.
    5. Yeah, my mom and dad.
    Thanks mom’s cooking and dad’s hard working for my family.
    6.saw the video/song


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