Week10 Class Activities 美洲華語 第四冊第四課 +35A「姓名的故事」成果展

 生字筆順練習Practice 3 times for each word.


http://stroke-order.learningweb.moe.edu.tw/advExplain1.do?big5=B5AA 【答】ㄉㄚˊ回答; ㄉㄚ答應

 自我複習和評 http://quizlet.com/10069011/mz4-4-1-flash-cards/

簡體(Simplified)Quizlet 電腦字卡遊戲 

網路拼音教室: 第四課 z、c、s、zh、ch、sh、



成語故事 - 马马虎虎


 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onlhbVasE94 (English version)   careless; sloppy

 ★萬聖節快樂(Happy Halloween)


˙楊榮祥:代表光榮和榮幸 是吉祥 





曾美慧Medha 是個印度名字,它的意思是智慧。


漫家達「家」是由爸爸的爺爺所寫的詩(家譜)而來。  「達」是由外公取的,因為孔子在論語一書中讚美過這個達字,是一個正直的人,他很能了解別人的想法,也不會強迫別人聽他的話。








朱嘉Amelia音似「阿美」,妹妹朱嘉Olivia 音似阿麗」─朱家麗姊妹花


25 thoughts on “Week10 Class Activities 美洲華語 第四冊第四課 +35A「姓名的故事」成果展

  1. Dear Teacher Lin,
    I PLAYED THE DRAGON game and did good.I also watched the horse and tiger video.I got hundred percent on the quiz.I like the presentation of 楊榮祥,漫家達 and 陳瀚立.

  2. Dear Teacher Lin,
    I PLAYED THE DRAGON game and did good.I also watched the horse and tiger video.I got hundred percent on the quiz.I like the presentation of 楊榮祥,漫家達 and 陳瀚立.

  3. 1. I practiced writing all the characters 3 times.
    2. I got 100% on the quizlet.
    3. I played the dinosaur game.
    4. I watched the horse tiger. I like that it was both horse and tiger.
    5. I saw the picture of who won the Halloween contest.
    6. I watched all the names projects.

  4. 我做了Quizlet的卡片和Scatter。在做Scatter,我用了三十秒的时间。这个星期里我看了两天或三天的中文书。我快把我的名字的故事写完了。

  5. 1 生字笔顺练习:Practice 3 times for each word.


    2 自我复习和评量

    简体字的link is not working, so I did 繁体字的link。
    我做了each drill: cards, learn, speller (got 100%), scatter (score is 22.3),and space race (score is -20 points).

    3 网路拼音教室: 第四课 z、c、s、zh、ch、sh、r (ㄗ、ㄘ、ㄙ、ㄓ、
    I watched 网路拼音教室。

    4 成语故事: 马马虎虎
    我看了马马虎虎的成语故事。 The story in the video is different from the
    story in our text book. The difference is that the older boy got killed in the video, but he ran away in the textbook. I understand that 马马虎虎means careless or so so.

    5 万圣节快乐(Happy Halloween)
    I like it and the picture of the ninja is really funny.

    6 请来听听同学们如何述说他们姓名的故事,并挑选你所喜欢的前三位表演者。请

    (1) 韩采蓓 because she did hers nice and clear.
    (2) 陈瀚立 because he said “各位老师 ,各位同学,大家好!” I like he said that.
    (3) 顾文闻 I like it because her whole family has hope in her name. Her speech was very short, but it is very well said, got her point cross.

  6. 1. 我寫了3次生字筆順練習師 虎 錯 認 答 變 細


    3. 我看了和看了和做了網路拼音教室. 我得了100%

    4. 我看了成語故事 - 马马虎虎. 它的意思是 not giving 100% effort to do something and do a sloppy job.

    5. 我看了萬聖節的照片, 但是沒有我

    6. 我喜歡蔡宜臻:宜是相安. 跟我的宜以一樣。 她也說得很好。
    我喜歡楊榮祥: 他說得很清楚。 內容也很有意思。
    我喜歡韓采蓓: 因為她說得很通暢,故事內容也很好好。

  7. 1.生字筆順練習

    -我練習師:虎 錯 認 答 變 細 三次


    -I did the quizlet and got 92% A-


    -我看了 and played the butterfly game

    4.成語故事 - 马马虎虎

    -我看了.I learned that Ma-Ma Hu-Hu means so-so

    5.萬聖節快樂(Happy Halloween) ★

    -I saw the pictures.


    -I like 陳瀚立 1st because I like how he memorized it and he said each word correctly.
    I like 漫家達 2nd because I like his presentation and he said each word correctly.
    I like 蔡宜臻 3rd because I like his presentation.

  8. 1.我寫師,虎,錯,認,答,變,細 三次. 我知道牠的筆畫.

    2. 在quizlet,我做 test和 scatter.Test得了一百分. Scatter 做了三十三seconds.

    3. 我練習z, c, s, zh ,ch ,r. 我知道牠的筆畫.

    4. 我看了 “Chinese馬馬虎虎”. 牠說牠的定義是 careless;so-so.

    5. 謝謝老師post 了萬聖節的照片

    6.我喜歡楊榮祥和陳瀚立的演說.楊榮祥很好因為他名字很有意義.陳瀚立很好因為他說的很棒. 我也喜歡漫家達因為他的內容很特別.

  9. 1.did the Quizlet
    2. watched the tiger horse
    3.5,because it was clear3,cause it was kinda good6,because it was understandable

  10. 1. practiced the words three times:
    shi1, hu3, ren4, xi4, cuo4, da3, bien4
    2. studied flashcards
    3. watched Hanyu Pinyin video and story video
    4. I like Mehda’s, 顧文聞, and 楊榮祥 speech the best because they are clear and pronounces the words right.

  11. I liked Henry’s presentation 2nd because he talked a lot of the names history which lets me know a lot about it. I liked mine the best because I talked a lot of stuff I never even knew about!
    the 3rd one I liked is Medha’s because she has many facts to talk about in her name.She also spoke it easily so I can hear.

  12. 1.I practiced my words.
    2.I practiced the flash cards on quizlet.
    3.I got 100% on Learn
    4.I got 100% on Lesson
    5.I got all correct on the Test
    6.I watched the video of the tiger horse.
    7.I watched my own name presentation!X):)


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