Week10 教學聯絡單: 補充教材: 貝多芬的月光曲+莫扎特的小夜曲 + 網路拼音教室:第四課z、c、s、zh、ch、sh、r (ㄗ、ㄘ、ㄙ、ㄓ、ㄔ、ㄕ、ㄖ)

萬聖節快樂 (Happy Halloween)


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 http://quizlet.com/12825817/test (Lesson 3 Part 1)  http://quizlet.com/12825830/test



简体  http://quizlet.com/17636336/test (Lesson3 Part1 mz6-3-1S )

http://quizlet.com/17636405/test (Lesson3 Part2 mz6-3-2S )


貝多芬的月光曲– Beethoven Moonlight Sonata

優雅的鋼琴演奏曲,配上貝多芬生平生動的相片和樂譜插圖,簡述了一代樂聖的一生。請問(i) 貝多芬出生於西元那一年?那一月?那一日?他死於西元那一年?那一月?那一日?享年幾歲?


 – Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart-A Little Night Music

 (ii) Please compare 莫扎特的小夜曲&貝多芬的月光曲,which one is your favorite?why?


莫扎特(Mozart1756 127日出生於奧地利薩爾斯堡(Salzburg),於1791 125日死於也纳莫扎特三歲起顯露音樂才能,四歲跟随父親學習鋼琴,五歲就能作曲,六歲又随父親學小提琴,八歲創作了一批奏鳴曲和交響曲,十二歲就完成了第一首歌劇作品,是音樂史上一位特殊的奇才。他僅僅活了三十六歲。繁重的創作、演出和贫困的生活損害了他的健康,使他過早地離開人世,他的音樂作品成為世界音樂寶庫的珍貴遺產。

(iii) 為什麼莫扎特(Mozart) 被稱為是『音樂神童』?他享年幾歲?





34 thoughts on “Week10 教學聯絡單: 補充教材: 貝多芬的月光曲+莫扎特的小夜曲 + 網路拼音教室:第四課z、c、s、zh、ch、sh、r (ㄗ、ㄘ、ㄙ、ㄓ、ㄔ、ㄕ、ㄖ)

  1. 1. 我已經完成了 Quizlet 。我得了一百分

    2. 貝多芬 was born on December 16, 1770 and died on March 26,1827

    3. 聽了!

    4. 我喜歡莫扎特的小夜曲因為他的歌很有活力和動感,而且很好聽。

    5. 莫扎特 started to play music when he was 三歲, followed his father to study piano when he was 四歲, started composing songs when he was 五歲, created a number of sonatas and symphonies when he was 八歲, and completed the first opera when he was 十二歲. 他是一個音樂天才. Heavy work and poverty damaged his life. Sadly, he only lived 三十六 years. His songs will always be remembered and treasured.

    6. My Answers:

    1. A
    2. B
    3. B
    4. B
    5. C
    6. C
    7. A
    8. B
    9. D
    10. C

  2. 2.Beethoven was born 1770 at Germany. He died on March 26,1827. He lived 57 years
    4.I like Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata better because it is much more emotional.
    5.Mozart is considered a child prodigy because he started composing at the age of 5. He lived 36 years.

  3. 1. 100%
    2. Beethoven was born on December 17, 1770. He died at the age of 56 on March 26, 1827
    4. Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven is my favorite because I think it sounds very beautiful.
    5. Mozart was considered a child prodigy because he was very talented in music. He began composing at the age of 5.
    6. 100

  4. 1. 100%
    2. Beethoven was born on December 17, 1770. He died at the age of 56 on March 26, 1827
    4. Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven is my favorite because I think it sounds very beautiful.
    5. Mozart was considered a child prodigy because he was very talented in music. He began composing at the age of 5.
    6. 100

  5. 1. 100%
    2. Beethoven was born on December 17, 1770. He died at the age of 56 on March 26, 1827
    4. Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven is my favorite because I think it sounds very beautiful.
    5. Mozart was considered a child prodigy because he was very talented in music. He began composing at the age of
    6. 100

  6. 1).EMAILED
    2).Beetoven was born in december 17, 1770
    He died in march 26,1827 when he was 56
    3). I liked moonlight sonata (Sonata Quasi Una Fantasaia)because im playing this song right now and its fun to play.
    4). Mozart on January 27, 1756, was born in Austria Salzburg (Salzburg), on December 5, 1791 and died in Vienna. Mozart showed musical talent from the age of three, four years follows father piano, will be able to compose the age of five, six years old and with father learn the violin, was eight years old created a number of sonatas and symphonies, 12 years, and he completed the first operatic works, is a prodigy who special in the history of music. He only lived for 36 years. Demanding creations, performances and poverty undermined his health, he prematurely die, his music work as the world’s musical treasure trove of precious heritage.

  7. Hi Charlene: Received your Hanyu Pinyin answer sheet on Friday, November 4, 2011 5:48 PM. You are Awesome No. 11.(95/100)

  8. 親愛的蔡老師,
    題號 答題選擇 對錯 正確答案
    1 D 對 D
    2 A 對 A
    3 B 對 B
    4 B 對 B
    5 C 對 C
    6 D 對 D
    7 A 對 A
    8 B 對 B
    9 D 對 D
    10 C 對 C

    1. (i) 貝多芬是在一七七零年的十二月十六日生的。五十七年後, 在一八二七年的三月二十六號死於肝病。
    (ii) 我比較喜歡莫札特的小夜曲因為我聽了以後覺得很快樂,心情很好。
    (iii) 因為莫扎特很小就寫很多樂曲,他五歲開始作曲,所以被稱為音樂神童。 莫扎特三十六歲死掉。


  9. 1. 100% (看電子郵件)
    2. Ludwig Van Beethoven (貝多芬) 在十二月十七號一七七零年出生。 貝多芬 在三月二十六號一八二七年死掉。當他死了,他是五十七旞。
    3.I like Moonlight Sonata better because it is slow, melodious, and hauntingly beautiful.
    4. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 at Salzburg, Austria. His father was a music teacher, so being exposed to music at such a young age, Mozart started writing music when he was two years of age. He became interested of instruments at the age of three and became the master at violin and the piano at four years of age. He wrote his first symphony at the age of eight. Mozart continued on with his fame. At 36 years of age, Mozart became sick. A man greedy of fame, hired Mozart’s maid to poison Mozart. Then he told Mozart that someone offered lots of money for one last piece of music, which was fake. The guy set this plan up so he could say he wrote it and become famous. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died when he was 36 at 1:00 AM on December 5, 1791 in Vienna, Austria. He died from poisoning. His music will be forever remembered by everyone.

  10. 1)Emailed

    2)Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg, Austria. He died on December 5, 1791 in Vienna at the age of 36. He was called a “musical prodigy” because he was a very talented pianist and composer. He created several popular sonatas and symphonies.

    3)I liked Mozart’s Moonlight Sonata better because it was like a lullaby andit was very soothing and relaxing.

  11. 1. Emailed to you
    2. Beethoven was born on december 16, 1770 and he died on March 26, 1827. He died at the age of 57.
    3. I like A little Night Music better cuz its faster
    4. He had talents. mozart died at 36

  12. 題號 答題選擇 對錯 正確答案
    1 D 對 D
    2 A 對 A
    3 B 對 B
    4 B 對 B
    5 C 對 C
    6 D 對 D
    7 A 對 A
    8 B 對 B
    9 D 對 D
    10 C 對 C

    i) Beethoven was born on December 17, 1770. He died on March 26, 1827. Beethoven was 57 when he died.

    ii) I like A Little Night Music better, because it is faster and more exciting that moonlight sonata.

    iii) Mozart was 4 when he learned piano, 6 when he learned violin and 12 when he composed the first opera. He had an innate ability for music. He died when he was 36.

  13. i) Beethoven was born on December 17, 1770. He died on March 26, 1827.Beethoven was 57.
    ii) I like A little Night Music better because it is more exiting and faster.

    iii) Mozart was 4 when he learned piano, 6 when he learned violin and 12 when he composed the first opera.He died when he was 36.

  14. Hi 梁詠文: Please try to answer in completed sentences. and you should said:57″歲”(not “年”)死的. You are Awesome No. 5.(92+1)

  15. 題號 答題選擇 對錯 正確答案
    1 D 對 D
    2 A 對 A
    3 B 對 B
    4 B 對 B
    5 C 對 C
    6 D 對 D
    7 A 對 A
    8 B 對 B
    9 D 對 D
    10 C 對 C
    Ludwig van Beethoven was born on December 06 1770 and he died on March 26 1827
    I like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s A Little Night Music because it is faster and it sounds better.
    at four years old he started playing the piano, at five years old, he started composing a song. He died at thirty-six years old..

  16. 1)生1770年,12月,16日

  17. 1.生1770年12月16日 死1827年3月26日 他57歲才死.

  18. 網路拼音教室: emailed
    貝多芬出生於西元1770 年 12 月 16 日, 死於西元 1827 年 3 月 26 日, 享年56歲.
    莫扎特五歲就能作曲,八歲創作了一批奏鳴曲和交響曲,十二歲就完成了第一首歌劇作品,所以莫扎特(Mozart) 被稱為是『音樂神童』.

  19. Hi 余偉威: Received your answer sheet by e-mail already. Please try to answer in completed sentence. Otherwise, you need to specify your answer is for which question likes Clair did. You are Awesome No. 2. (94+4)

    ** You forgot to answer:(i) How old when he died?享年幾歲?**

  20. Born december 16, 1770
    died march 26 1827
    I like moontime sontana because its calm, I don’t like music loud.
    He was called that because since he was little he was exposed to the music world and he learned quickly. Mozart was 36 whenn he died

  21. #1 題號 答題選擇 對錯 正確答案
    1 D 對 D
    2 A 對 A
    3 B 對 B
    4 B 對 B
    5 C 對 C
    6 D 對 D
    7 A 對 A
    8 B 對 B
    9 D 對 D
    10 C 對 C
    December 16, 1770
    March 26, 1827
    He died when he was 57

    My favorite is A Little Night Music because it is more expressive and exciting.

    It’s because when he was little he already had some talent. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was 36 when he died.


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