美洲華語第四冊第六課-春曉-補充教材 +「 聞」字的解釋

 生字筆順練習Practice 3 times for each word.


http://quizlet.com/10070132/mz4-6-1-flash-cards/original Study the flash cards and then do the quiz below. L6-1 , L6-2   繁體(Traditional) Quizlet 電腦字卡遊戲


簡體(Simplified)Quizlet 電腦字卡遊戲

分享時刻 – Show and tell: Something special about your Winter Vocation

Example:My first White Christmas

聞字的解釋 http://www.zdic.net/z/21/js/805E.htm 「聞」是指聽見,為什麼口語解作嗅?  “是一個會意字,人在外看不到裡面的情形,所以要用,因而產生的意思;而看不見,也可以用鼻子嗅,所以又引申出的意思


 洗耳恭聽與口說耳聽——“二字趣釋 http://data.book.hexun.com.tw/chapter-368-10-22.shtml 作者:吳東平  出版社:未知  和訊讀書


  據陳煒湛先生說,無論是聽別人說話,還是聽音樂,只有兩種聽法:一是公開地聽;二是秘密地聽,即我們常說的偷聽。造字的先人根據的這兩種情形,加以抽象、概括、線條化,從而造出了字。(參見陳煒湛《古文字趣談》第122頁)由此可知為象形字,它的初義是聽到的意思。  字的小篆為。《說文解字耳部》:聞,知聞也,從耳,門聲。小篆的結構與甲骨文迥然有別,由甲骨文的象形字變為形聲字,但是所表示的意義是相同的,即

  既然的本義是聽到,所以古人將聽到的事情也叫。如果聽到的事情是剛剛發生的,又是一般人所不知道的,又叫新聞傳聞消息   由於人們聽到的事情中有些是具有知識性的東西,所以又引申指知識見識見聞。如《論語季氏》:友直、友諒、友多聞。其意思是:同正直的人交朋友,同誠實的人交朋友,同見聞廣博的人交朋友。   字還用作姓氏。據宋鄭樵《通誌氏族略四》:聞氏,即聞人也。這就是說聞氏本為聞人氏。所謂聞人,官職名,是古代專門收集、打聽和記錄近期發生的各種事情,並將其報告給酋長、部落首領或朝廷的人。聞人氏是以官職為姓的一族。據《風俗通》記載:少正卯,魯之聞人也,其後遂以為氏。這就是說聞人氏之稱,出自春秋時期與孔子同時代的少正卯。少正卯,當時任魯國的聞人,官拜大夫。當孔子擔任魯國國相後,以少正卯亂政而誅殺了他。有的學者據此推知,很可能是孔子殺聞人少正卯之後,時人有所不滿,為了紀念少正卯,他的子孫幹脆放棄了原來的姓氏,改姓聞人。到了宋代,聞人氏改姓   漢字中與的本義相同的還有一個字。



合并字“”     ,甲骨文(耳朵)(多嘴),像一只耳朵介于许多嘴巴之间,表示倾听众人发言。有的甲骨文简化为一口一 耳。造字本义:竖起耳朵聆听别人说话金文承续甲骨文字形。有的金文在一口一耳的基础上“十口”、加“壬”(“土”是“壬”的误写),表示在远古时代,听,是人类明察、判别、选择的重要能力。篆文

25 thoughts on “美洲華語第四冊第六課-春曉-補充教材 +「 聞」字的解釋

  1. 1. 我做生字筆順練習生字筆順練習. 處 聽 夜 剪 機 倒 肥 料 首 唐 教 聞 但 句 念

    2. 我做:
    -test 100%
    -scatter 19.37
    -space race 200 points



    5. During winter break I went to Reno. We skied and had a great time. At new year’s eve we went to our cousin’s house and played. I had a great time.

    6. 聞means you try to hear it from outside the door but you cannot hear it and you cannot see it so you try to smell it.

    7. 甲骨文的『聽』字looks like two people whispering to each other. In order for people to remember how to write 聽, there is a story of a boy whose last name was 王 and he has long 耳. 他十四歲. 他一心上學堂.

  2. 1. 我練習處 聽 夜 剪 機 倒 肥 料 首 唐 教 聞 但 句念三次.

    2-4. 我的 Quizlet考試都得了一百分. 我做scatter 三十秒. 我做race 得了一百分.

    5. During my winter break, I went to Reno. We skied on Mount Rose. It was freezing cold. It was snowing. The outside temperature was 7° Fahrenheit!!!! We went back before New Year’s eve. On New Year’s eve we went to our cousin’s house.
    6. 聞是聽到的意思. 因為他不可以看到裡面, 他要聽裡面的人. “聞”字像一個人在一個門口裡偷聽裡面的人. 他要鼻用子嗅,所以又有”嗅”的意思.

    7. 甲骨文的 “聽” 字 is like two people whispering to each other. They made up a story that a 14 year old boy whose last name is Wang, has a long ear and has the heart to learn.

  3. 1.生字筆順練習

    – 我練習 處 聽 夜 剪 機 倒 肥 料 首 唐 教 聞 但 句 念 三次
    – I like the pictures


    -I did flashcard,learn,speller,scatter,race, and the test.I finished scaatter in 26 seconds and got 1,040 points on race.
    I got 100% on the test.


    -I did flashcard,learn,speller,scatter,race,and the test.I finished scatter in 24.4 seconds and got 900 points on race.
    I got 100% on the test.

    .簡體(Simplified)Quizlet 電腦字卡遊戲

    -I am not simplified

    5.分享時刻 – Show and tell: Something special about your Winter Vocation

    -In my winter vacation, I went to Los Angeles (LA) with my cousins,auntie,grandma,and uncle and we has a lot of fun.
    We dorve for abou 6 hours and we went to Disneyland,Knott’s Berry Farm, and a museum.We also ate good food and bought
    toys.I had a lot of fun!^_^
    6.聞字的解釋 http://www.zdic.net/z/21/js/805E.htm

    -I understand why the word 聞 can mean hearing and can also mean smell.The word 「聞」 means to hear,news,fame,smell,and
    last name


    -I read and understand whats the difference between 聞 and 聽.

  4. #1 Wrote down each character 3 times on a piece of blank paper.
    #2 My time on Scatter was 53.1 seconds.
    #3 Studied the flashcards on Quizlet.
    #4 I went to Lake Tahoe during Christmas break for our ski trip(more of like on the week before Christmas break.).

  5. 我做了Quizlet。我看了卡片。我做了Scatter。我的了一十八。三得分。

  6. 1. I practiced all of the words 3 times.
    2.I saw all the pictures before break.
    3. on quizlet I got 100% on both.

  7. 1 生字笔顺练习:Practice 3 times for each word.

    我练习了处 听 夜 剪 机 倒 肥 料 首 唐 教 闻 但 句 念 笔划练习 on the computer for 3 times。

    2 自我复习和评量

    我做了week 1 for lesson 6 each drill: cards, learn (got100%), speller (got 100 % ), scatter (score is 23.4), and space race (score is 330 points).

    我做了week 2 for lesson 6 each drill: cards, learn (got100%), speller (got 100%), scatter (score is 31.4 ),and space race (score is 900 points).

    分享时刻 – Show and tell: Something special about your Winter Vacation
    I did it in class on January 10, 15.

    闻字的解释 http://www.zdic.net/z/21/js/805E.htm

    闻 has 5 meanings: to hear , news, fame, smell and last name.


    It’s about transforming oracle 闻 and 听 into the everyday 闻 and 听。

  8. 1)我每个生字各写了三次。
    2)我做到 quizlet 的字卡,learn, speller 16/16, 考试得到100%,和scatter 用了17.8 秒。

  9. 1.i practiced each word 3 times
    2.i got an A on the test
    3.i went to Canada to visit my cousins
    4.i practiced each word 3 times

  10. Dear Cai Laoshi,I don’t know how to attach pictures here. I went to Hong Kong during Christmas to visit my grandparents and other relatives. They took us to many different places to eat…Shanghai, Cantonese, Taiwanese, Japanese, Thai, Italian, & American food. My most favorite was Shanghainese (potstickers)and the Christmas buffet at the hotel. We go to Hong Kong every Christmas, and I can’t wait to go back!

  11. 1. practiced the words 3 times
    2. I got 93% and 100% on the quizlet test
    3. studied the flashcards
    4. I went to Hong Kong during winter break to visit my family
    5. I watched the pinyin video and got 10/10

  12. 1. practiced 5 times each
    2. did the quizlet
    3. did the dragon thing
    4. didn’t go any where.

  13. Hi laoshi,
    1.I practiced writing all the
    letters 3 times
    2.I got 100% on both Quizlet
    3.On hanyu pingin lesson 6 I got 10/10
    4.During winter break, I spent
    my time at San Diego for 6
    days. The places I visited in
    San Diego were, LegoLand, SeaWorld, San Diego Zoo, Safari Park, and the Cabrillo Monument.

  14. Hello Lao Shi


    2. 88%

    3. 93%

    4. 3/10.. I didn’t really understand..

    5. My winter vacation I went to Bear Valley to snowboard with my friend.


  15. hi lao shi

    1. I wrote the words we learned in class 3 times

    2. ouizlet:ranking: I am first on race 25th on scatter test: igot A+

    3. on 網路拼音教室: 第六課 i got 9/10

    4. i spent my winter vacation at home and had a christmas party at my aunt’s house.

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