美洲華語第四冊第七課 神農氏的故事











延伸思考 神農氏在農耕、醫藥、製造陶器、紡織、……等各方面貢獻極大,想想如果你是在遠古時代,你會先教導人民哪一項技能?為甚麼?


神農大帝的傳說 神農大帝的生日(農曆四月二十五日)

神農氏的故事 0001


幼兒歷史故事 炎帝神農


神農-維基百科,自由的百科全書 (.org) https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/神农


《中华历史五千年》第5节 神农尝百草【学国学网】

19 thoughts on “美洲華語第四冊第七課 神農氏的故事

  1. 1. I would teach them how to freeze food plant food and writing
    2.watched the video of the class’s book
    3. video about shennong both
    4.tongue twister about40%
    5.old chinese characters video watched it

  2. Hi 祥祥: Please show what did you do (effort) on your online homework. So, you will get the extra participate points properly. (+1)

  3. Dear 赵文泽 : You are Week5 #5. (+4)- Thank you for sharing your learning experience and self evaluation.

  4. 1.I watched the videos
    2.I understand about 73% what there saying and 100% in English
    3.I watched the video and thought that Chinese characters came from pictures and is very old and change in the generations

  5. 1. If I were in the ancient times, I would aspire to teach the people the same things Shennong taught them and additionally try to teach them math and writing so they may become technologically advanced in the future.

    2. This is the same video we studied last year. It talks about how Shennong watched the birds eat seeds and discovered agriculture and also tasted medicines so people would no longer have to be hungry and sick.

    3. The second story is a different version of the first, basically the same though.

    4. Shennong tasting things and creating his book of medicinal herbs. Of course one day he accidentally poisoned himself but he has contributed much to chinese traditional medicine.

    5.Since I read the captions I understood it. But if there were no captions I would have been very confused.

    6. Ri looks like sun
    Shan like mountains
    Niao like birth
    Lin like forest
    Shui like water
    Yu like fish
    Ma like horse
    Huo like fire
    Ren like people…

    I think they do a good job of trying to portray how chinese characters came to be. I’m not sure if everyone would understand but it certainly tries to impress upon the viewer the meaning behind keeping the traditional chinese characters.

  6. 1. I watched the chinese tounge twister and the cow video I also watch the guy curing hunger
    2.I practice my chinese words 3 times

  7. Hello Laoshi.
    1.If I were in the olden times, I would teach the people how to raise livestock, grow plants, gather herbs to make medicine, and sew clothes.Because,the ancient people need to improve their lifestyle.
    2.I watched all the videos.
    3.I understood 5% of the toungue-twister.I only undestood certain words and phrases, beause it’s difficult to understand.

  8. Dear Korrie: You are Perfect, you answered all the questions I asked for. Great job!! Your are Week5 #1.(+5)

  9. 1. If I were in the ancient times, I would teach people to learn how to plant food, hunt, make clothes, and make medicine, just like 神農氏 because those are the basic things you should know that will help you survive.

    2. I watched all of the videos.

    3. I don’t really understand that much of the tongue twister video because they are talking too fast, so I would say around 45%.

    4. All of the Chinese words we use today evolved from pictures. They look somewhat like the actual object/person/action.

  10. Dear 潘大衛 : We did watched the videos together during today class lesson. So,Please provide more effor on your work to get your credit. 加油!(+1)


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