年的故事 +「守歲」和「壓歲錢」的由來







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在《清嘉錄》卷十二上記載:「 長者貽小兒以朱繩綴百錢,謂之『壓歲錢』表示古時候在年節時,會使用紅線將百枚銅錢串起,發給小孩,祝福對方長命百歲。銅錢和紅線的使用當然不符合時代需求,後來逐漸以紙幣和紅包袋取代,也就是現今大家熟知的紅包(Lucky Money)。

看故事學華語:年的故事    Please click below picture –>下一頁   –> 播放聲音

The story of Chinese New Year – ” Nian “.wmv (English Version)


What did you learn from the video? You will know the reason why people said gongxi gongxi, play firecracker and like to ware the red color cloth during the Chinese new Year.

12 thoughts on “年的故事 +「守歲」和「壓歲錢」的由來

  1. 1.今年的農曆新年是在陽曆的2月19號.

    十二生肖是指鼠,牛,虎,兔,龍,蛇,馬,羊,猴,雞,狗,和 豬。



    2. 『迎春接福』 means to welcome new year and spring. Also,it means to continue good fortune.
    『萬事如意』 means all the things go well.
    吉祥話: 年年有餘和身體健康。

    3. 中國人過年喜歡說年年有魚 because people wish there is always remaining food left like rice and money.
    橘子, 大吉大利

    4. 過年的時候為什麼要把「春」跟「福」倒過來貼?
    the sound of 倒 means 到, meaning arriving. they put the words upside down because they want spring and good fortune to arrive at the house.

    5. 中國新年: Families visits each other and give red envelopes to children and wear red clothes.
    美國新年: They celebrate during Christmas. They give presents to their family.
    泰國新年:They celebrate during the April and pour water on each other.

    6. 守歲」壓祟錢 people put the coin under their pillow and the reflection of the coin will scare the monster away. That is why people give younger kids red envelopes with coins inside.

    7. From this video I learnt that people wear red because this color scares Nian. Also Nian hates the sound of firecrackers and it scares him away.

  2. 1.今年的農曆新年是在陽曆的二月十九日。
    十二生肖是: 鼠,牛,虎,兔,龍,蛇,馬,羊,猴,雞,狗,豬
    4.把「春」跟「福」倒過來貼是因為倒跟到同音, 「春」跟「福」會到來的意思。

  3. 1 今年的农历新年是在阳历的2月19号。 十二生肖是这十二种动物:rat, cow, tiger, dragon, rabbit, rooster, ram, monkey, pig, dog, horse, and snake. 今年是

    2 I don’t know 『迎春接福』and『万事如意』的意思。
    I watched the 吉祥话video, but I don’t understand the meaning of the 吉
    3 中國人過年喜歡說年年有魚 because means they will have plenty things all year long. I did match game: 動動腦 做做看
    4 「福」倒過來貼 means 「福」 arrived.
    5 Thailand has 泼水节, 西洋有圣诞节,回教过年也会挂福字和灯笼。
    6「压岁钱」prevents 祟」的小妖 hurt young kids.
    7 I watched 年 story.
    8 I learnt from the video: 年 was ugly. The family who stayed at the villeage discovered 年 did not like fire, red, and noise.

  4. 1.今年的農曆新年是在陽曆的2月19號.
    你知道十二生肖是指哪十二種動物?十二生肖是指哪十二種動物是鼠,牛,虎,兔,龍,蛇,馬,羊,猴,雞,狗,和 豬.
    屬於哪一個生肖呢? 我屬猴.

    2.”迎春接福” means welcoming the spring and New Years continues the good fortune.
    “萬事如意” means whatever you do will be good.
    吉祥話是 “身體健康” “年年有餘” “步步高升” “恭喜發財” “萬事如意.”

    3. 中國人過年喜歡說年年有魚 means every year you have leftovers for the next year.
    食物和吉祥話有相關聯: 大吉大利 步步高升 發財好市 長長久久

    4. 倒 means arriving. 「春」跟「福」倒過來貼 means spring and good luck is arriving to our house.

    5. 各國新年不一樣:
    In Thailand, they celebrate New Years in April by pouring water on each other.
    In the western countries like America, people celebrate Christmas and everyone gets together and have a big feast.
    In China people decorate their house in red paper and set off firecrackers. Families visit each other and give children red envelopes.

    6. In the old days, there was a monster with a black body and white hands. He loved to touch children’s foreheads on New Year’s Eve. This caused them to have a fever. Then, after the fever was cured, they would become dumb and stubborn. The parents tried to stay as late as they could to protect their kids from the monster. But, they could not stay up too late and fell asleep. So, they gave the kids an envelope of money for the kid to play with. But, the kids fell asleep and put the envelope next to their pillow. Then, the monster came. He tried to reach the kid’s forehead, but the reflection of the coins scared him off. This is why adults give children red envelope.

    7. A long time ago, there was a monster named Nian. Nian liked to eat people. On New Year’s he came out and ate everyone. One year, Nian saw an old man setting off a firecracker. He ran away in fear. He saw the same man putting up red paper on houses. This time he ran away and never came back. Everybody was happy and they said, “Gong xi!” to the survivors.

    8. I learned why people explode firecrackers and put up red paper. People say gongxi gongxi to congratulate the survivors of Nian. They wear red and explode firecrackers to scare away Nian.

  5. 1.

    -今年的農曆新年是在陽曆的幾月幾號嗎? February 19
    -你知道十二生肖是指哪十二種動物?Chinese:鼠,牛,虎,兔,龍,蛇,馬,羊, 猴,雞,狗 and 豬.English:Rat,ox,tiger,rabbit,dragon,snake,horse,goat,sheep
    -今年是屬於哪一個生肖呢? The goat/sheep
    -你屬於哪一個生肖呢? I’m a chicken in the Chinese zodiac.


    -迎春接福=Spring Blessings 萬事如意=Good luck
    -平平安安,新年快樂,and 恭喜發財


    -It means that every year you will have remaining for the next year.
    -魚,花生,橘子,蘋果,和 水餃




    -All places celebrate New Year in different ways

    America: Celebrate Christmas to celebrate New Year
    Thailand: Spray water at each other to celebrate New Year
    China: Give each other red envelope and have a family reunion


    -The story was talking about a black harry monster. Every New Year’s Eve,when children are sleeping,he touches their
    forehead and them will get a high fever. They will also become stupid. One,there was a family who put coins next to the child’s
    pillow. So at the night,the monster wanted to touch the child’s forehead,but he accidentally stepped on the coins.The monster
    screamed and ran away.That family started to tell other families about it.


    -我看了. It was talking about a monster named Nian. Every year,it comes out of the mountains and tries to eat people. But one
    year,there was a wise man who started a firecracker. Nian was scared and ran away. Then, he told other people to put red paper
    outside their house.When Nian saw this,he got scared an ran away people were very happy with this. So every year, people
    started firecrackers and put red papers outside their house and Nian never came back anymore.


    -我看了. People play firecrackers and wear red shirts during Chinese Year because it is used to scare te monster Nian.People say
    gongxi gongxi” to congratulate the people who are still alive.

    Happy Chinese New Year!!

  6. Dear teacher,I watched that the videos about the chinese places about the red light and also how the chinese celebration is different from the American one.But I also played a game and half quiz and did very well on it .I also watched the chiniese video about the dragon killing people and an old and weak man found out that to scare away the dragon and It starved to death and the people who were very happy asked the old man to tell them how he did it,the red curtain or cloth was the dragons weakness.

    • Great 周鑫汶; You are the 1st person who left the comment in this new blog. You are Great No. 1 (+3)


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