第十課 賣草帽的人(1)+ 課堂活動 ─ 口語評量:假如我是中文老師 + 母親節特別活動

 生字筆順練習Practice 3 times for each word. 


自我複習和評量 (Please provide your test score from the drills)

繁體(Traditional) Quizlet 電腦字卡遊戲  mz4-10-1  http://quizlet.com/10078483/test

簡體(Simplified) Quizlet 電腦字卡遊戲  SL10-1 http://quizlet.com/17581866/test





母親節的由來 The Origin of Mother’s Day


(Please vote for your  top 3 Mother’s Day videos) http://blog.huayuworld.org/eclassfun/10381/2012/05/03/60156 #


母愛(母親節精選 )


 《妈妈我爱你》-送给母亲节的礼物  。(看影片說故事)

生字筆順和漢語拼音練習Practice 3 times for each word

6 thoughts on “第十課 賣草帽的人(1)+ 課堂活動 ─ 口語評量:假如我是中文老師 + 母親節特別活動

  1. 1. practiced these words three times: 桃 休 息 睡 醒 吵 當 連
    2. I got 100% on the A+ Test.
    3. I like the first two and the last Mother’s Day video, but I liked the first one the best because I learned about the origin of Mother’s Day. I also learned that red carnations symbolize your love for your mother. White carnations are for mother who have passed away.
    4. I practiced the other words three times.

    I will be absent from class this Saturday due to competition. I videotaped my Mother’s Day presentation and I will send it to you.

  2. 1.i practiced all the words 3 times
    2.i got C+ on the test
    3.i watched all the vids
    4.i practiced all the words 3 times

  3. 1) Practiced 3 times
    2) 92%
    3) He would give tickets to people to trade in for prizes
    4)Mother’s day came from appreciation for mothers in america who striked for equal pay.
    5) I liked the first one.
    6)This so beautiful! Mom I love you, I’m only a child??
    7) Practiced 3 times.

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