2010年 – Wk2 29A Parents Notice – 加強練習漢語拼音-聲母韻母歌;注音符號vs.漢語拼音對照表

Week2 29A_2 Parents Notice.pdf

Hanyu Pinyin Vs. Phonetic Chart.pdf    

同學們做完網路拼音教室練習題之後請輕鬆愉快地使用"聲母韻母歌""Chinese Pinyin in 6 Mins" video時時加以複習,並且使用注音符號vs.漢語拼音對照表順利地幫你轉換練習


Chinese Pinyin in 6 Mins






Project 1: 繞口令練習Voki成果展29A作品         

羅濤(1) link 羅濤(2) link   梁耀文   朱容宇(1)  朱容宇(2)         

 黎祐瑄(1)   黎祐瑄(2)      張玉琥(1) 張玉琥(2) 張玉琥(3)    鄭佳佑

13 thoughts on “2010年 – Wk2 29A Parents Notice – 加強練習漢語拼音-聲母韻母歌;注音符號vs.漢語拼音對照表

  1. 楊延歡, 黎祐瑄 , 甘易修, 梁耀文, 李詩揚:2nd run 5 迴響者 will recive 2 points for participate.

  2. 孟婕琦, 方彥雅 , 林季緯, 謝魏敬謙, 羅濤:Top 5 迴響者 will recive 3 points for participate.

  3. Dear teacher,
    I checked the internet and it says the new year is on 2/14/1010. Also, isn’t the circle around 虎 a giveaway? Anyways, it is the tiger.

  4. Dear Teacher,
    I need to tell you something. When I clicked the link 網路拼音教室, it said “problem loading page”.
    That is all that I want to tell you bye. See you tomorrow. Bye! 😛


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