March 1

Spring Green

綠的心情Spring Green

春天有綠的心情 溫溫柔柔 輕巧巧 Spring has a green feeling: warm, tender, soft and gentle.

它用綠化的手,叫醒冬眠的大地. Using its green hands to wake up the hibernating Earth.

春天有綠的心情 溫溫柔柔 輕巧巧 Spring has a green feeling: warm, tender, soft and gentle

它用慈悲的心 催促可愛新生命 It uses a compassionate heart to breath in new life.

它讓人們也有綠的心情 共同做大地的園丁 It harvests the green heart to nurture the gardeners in us.

它讓人們也有溫柔心情 歡喜做大地的園丁 It uses a mild heart for those to be grateful in their gardens.

•心情 Mood; frame of mind; viewpoint
•温柔 Tender; gentler and soft
•綠化 / 绿化 Greening
• 輕巧巧 / 轻巧巧 Soft and gentle; Light and handy; dexterous
•慈悲 Compassionate; mercy; pity; benevolence
•共同 Common; joint; collaborative; together
•也有 There are also
•新生命 New life
•讓人們/让人们 Let people
•叫醒 wake up
•冬眠 Hibernating; hibernation
•大地 Earth
•催促 to breath in; Promote
•園丁 / 园丁 Gardener

Green W

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Posted 2014-03-01 by huahuafun in category Song