Spring Green
綠的心情Spring Green
春天有綠的心情 溫溫柔柔 輕巧巧 Spring has a green feeling: warm, tender, soft and gentle.
它用綠化的手,叫醒冬眠的大地. Using its green hands to wake up the hibernating Earth.
春天有綠的心情 溫溫柔柔 輕巧巧 Spring has a green feeling: warm, tender, soft and gentle
它用慈悲的心 催促可愛新生命 It uses a compassionate heart to breath in new life.
它讓人們也有綠的心情 共同做大地的園丁 It harvests the green heart to nurture the gardeners in us.
它讓人們也有溫柔心情 歡喜做大地的園丁 It uses a mild heart for those to be grateful in their gardens. Continue reading
Earth Child (Card Game)
Earth Child
地球的孩子 Earth child
我們都有一個願望,沒有煩惱快樂成長。We all have a dream, to have no worries and to grow up happy.
不管你站在什麼地方,抬起頭都是一樣的太陽。Regardless of where you stand, looked up and it is all the same sun.
我們都是地球的孩子,上天為我們寫下不同的故事。We are all children of the Earth, God writes different stories for us
有人高,有人壯,有人需要我們幫忙。Some tall, some strong, Some need our help
展開雙手,請你和我一起唱。Open the palms of your hand, and sing with me
吼嘿吼 咿嘿吼 吼嘿吼 咿嘿吼 吼嘿吼 咿嘿吼 嘿吼 Continue reading