Ni Hao Table of Contents
陸璋 老師 Continue reading
陸璋 老師 Continue reading
再見 Good-bye
你好,你好,How are you?How are you?
我很好,我很好。I am fine. I am fine.
唱歌真快樂,Singing is fun,
唱歌真快樂,Singing is fun,
再見,再見。Good-bye. Good-bye. Continue reading
閃亮壁紙 Sparkling wallpaper
Sparkle, sparkle wallpaper, The whole room full of sparkles.
Every where you look around, The room feels like the universe.
小燈籠little lanterns
Twinkle, Twinkle, bright little lanterns , The whole sky full of little lanterns
Up above the crowd, like many small pieces of amber.
蘇打水Sparkly Soda
嘰嘰嘶嘶蘇打水, 冰箱滿滿蘇打水,
Sparkle, Sparkle, soda, The whole refrigerator is full of sparkly soda.
桌上放的蘇打水, 好像許多圓柱體。
On top of the table, like many small cylinders.
打雷,打雷 There is Thunder
打雷,打雷, There is thunder, there is thunder.
聲音大,聲音大, Hear it loud, hear it loud.
淅瀝嘩啦下雨, pitter patter rain drops,
淅瀝嘩啦下雨, pitter patter rain drops,
我濕了,我濕了。I am wet, I am wet! Continue reading
火烈鳥歌Flamingo Song Continue reading
青蛙歌 Frog Song
一隻青蛙一張嘴, One frog, one mouth.
兩個眼睛,四條腿, Two eyes, four legs,
撲通撲通跳下水,“Splash, splash” jump in the water,
青蛙不喝水,真奇怪。The frog won’t drink the water, how strange it is.
青蛙不喝水,真奇怪。The frog won’t drink the water, how strange it is. Continue reading
兩隻老虎 Two tigers
兩隻老虎,兩隻老虎,跑得快,跑得快, Two tigers, two tigers, Run so fast, run so fast.
一隻沒有耳朵,一隻沒有尾巴, One doesn’t have ears, one doesn’t have a tail.
真奇怪,真奇怪。Isn’t it strange? Isn’t it strange? Continue reading
五隻小鴨 Five Little Ducks
五隻小鴨出去玩,經過了高山到很遠。Five little Five little ducks went out to play, over the hills and far away.
鴨子媽媽呱呱叫,四隻小鴨跑回來。Mother duck said quack quack quack. Four little ducks came running back.
四隻小鴨出去玩,經過了高山到很遠。Four little ducks went out to play, over the hills and far away.
鴨子媽媽呱呱叫,三隻小鴨跑回來。Mommy duck said quack quack quack. Four little ducks came running back.
三隻鴨出小去玩,經過了高山到很遠。Three little ducks went out to play, over the hills and far away.
鴨子媽媽呱呱叫,兩隻小鴨跑回來。Mommy duck said quack quack quack. Two little ducks came running back.
兩隻小鴨出去玩,經過了高山到很遠。Two little ducks went out to play, over the hills and far away.
鴨子媽媽呱呱叫,一隻小鴨跑回來。Mommy duck said quack quack quack. One little duck came running back.
一隻小鴨出去玩,經過了高山到很遠。One little duck went out to play, over the hills and far away.
鴨子媽媽呱呱叫,沒有小鴨跑回來。Mommy duck said quack quack quack. None of little duck came running back.
然後鴨子媽媽到處找,Then, Mother duck looked around
鴨子媽媽大聲叫呱呱呱。and Mother duck said loudly Quack, Quack, Quack
五隻小鴨跑回來。Five little ducks came back. Continue reading