January 21

Journey to the west

西遊記Journey to the west

花果山the mountains of flowers and the fruit

很久很久以前,海上有一座仙山叫「花果山」。It is said that once upon a time, there was a magical mountain in the far away seas, which was knowing us the mountain of flowers.

有一天,山頂上的大石頭,突然爆開,跳出一隻小猴子來。One day, suddenly, a rock in the mountain burst open, giving birth to a stone monkey.

這隻猴子才一開口,就會說話。 他很可愛,大家都愛跟他一起玩兒。The monkey opened his mouth, and he could talk right away. He was very adorable that all other monkeys likes to play with him.

有一回,這群猴子找到一個大瀑布。 大家拍手說:「好水! 好水!」One day as they playing, they came upon a curtain of water. Great water! Great Water! They clapped their hands and yelled.

一個白毛老猴子說:「有誰敢跳進去,我們就拜他做大王。」An old white-haired monkey suggested that whoever was brave enough to pass through the curtain of water would be their king.

那隻小猴子說:我去! 我去! 他一用力,就跳進瀑布里了。 The store monkey volunteered; I will go! And he jumped through the curtain of the water.

瀑布裡面是個石洞。 洞口上有十個字:花果山福地,水簾洞洞天。 There was a cave inside of the water curtain. On the entrance of the cave there was an inscription which said the mountain of Flowers at Fruit is Blessed.  The Cave of the Water Curtain is the Paradise.

他走進洞裡,看見洞裡有石床、石凳、石杯、石碗他高興得又叫又跳。When he went inside the cave. He saw stone beds benches, pots and bowls. He jumped up and down and shouted for joy.

他把大家都叫進洞里來住。大家很高興,就拜他為美猴王。Then he called all the other monkeys to jump over, and they all lived in the cave after that. They were so happy that they make the stone monkey their king.

日子過得很快樂。 可是美猴王擔心,如果以後妖怪來了怎麼辦? 他想出去學些本領。Their life was good, but the Monkey King was worried that there were monsters who would intrude, what could he do if that happened? He wanted to go somewhere to learn fighting skills.

猴子們送美猴王上船。大家說:大王! 大王! 你要早點兒回來!The monkey saw him off on a boat the next day. Please come back soon! Your Majesty said all the monkeys.

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January 20

Little Mouse Bei Bei

小老鼠貝貝Little mouse Bei Bei

有一隻可愛的小老鼠叫貝貝。There is a cute little mouse named Beibei.

他和爸爸、媽媽一同住在小洞裡。He lives in a small hole with his father and mother (Daddy & Mommy).

有一天,貝貝在洞口外面玩兒。One day, Beibei was playing outside the hole entrance.

不久,一隻大貓看見了貝貝,Soon(before long), a big cat saw Bei Bei,

就跳過來抓他,貝貝趕快跑進洞裡。Just jumped over to catch him, and Beibei ran into the hole quickly (in a hurry).

爸爸、媽媽看見了,就一起用力學狗叫:Daddy and Mommy saw that, and they got up their strength and imitated a dog barking.

「汪!汪!汪!走開!走開!」”Woof! Woof! Woof! Go away! Go away!”

大貓聽見狗叫,就嚇得跑開了。When the big cat heard the dog barking, it ran away in fright.

Hearing the dogs barking, the big cat got scared and ran away.

貝貝問:「媽媽,你們剛才跟貓說什麼話?我怎麼聽不懂。」Beibei asked, “Mommy, what did you just say to the cat?

How come I could not understand it?”

媽媽說:「那是狗說的語言。」Mommy said, “That’s the language dogs speak.” (That was dog’ s language)

貝貝說:「我也要學那種話。」Beibei said, “I want to learn that kind of language too.”

媽媽說:「很好!多學幾種話,真的很有用。」Mommy said, “Very good! Learning several more languages is really useful.

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January 19

The Magical Paintbrush

小雪的魔筆The Magical Paintbrush of Xiaoxue

很久很久以前,有一個孤兒叫小雪,Long time ago, there was an orphan named Xiaoxue,

他很喜歡畫畫兒,可是他很窮,沒有錢買筆。 She liked drawing very much, but she didn’t have the money to buy a p aintbrush.

有一天晚上,小雪夢見一位老奶奶,One night, Xiaoxue dreamed that an old grandma,

老奶奶送給她一隻又長又大的毛筆。The old grandma gave her a long and big paintbrush.

小雪醒來,手裡真的拿著一支毛筆。Xiaoxue woke up with a real writing brush in her hand.

小雪,很高興就在手心上畫了一隻小鳥。Xiaoxue, I was very happy that she drew a little bird on the palm of her hand.

忽然間,這隻鳥變成真的鳥,飛走了。Suddenly, the bird became a real bird and flew away.

啊! 小雪知道了,原來這是一隻魔筆。ah! Xiaoxue realized that it was a magic paintbrush.

小雪想,如果用這隻魔筆,畫很多的東西送給窮人,他們就可以過好日子了。Xiaoxue thought, if she used this magic paintbrush to draw a lot of things and give them to the poor, they would be able to live a good life.

於是,小雪就每天到窮人家裡,用這支筆劃許多東西送給他們。So, Xiaoxue went to the poor people’s homes every day, and used magic paintbrush to draw many things they needed for them.

貪心的國王知道了,就把小雪抓進宮裡,天天叫小雪,為他畫畫。When the greedy king found out (heard about this), he took Xiaoxue into the palace (he kept Xiaoxue as a prisoner in the palace) and ordered  Xiaoxue to draw a lot of things for him every day.

有一天,國王想坐船,就叫小雪,先畫一艘大船和一片大海,再畫幾筆大風。One day, the king wanted to sail on a ship, so he ordered Xiaoxue, to draw a big ship, the ocean and also wind for him.

國王坐上了船,不久,起風了,船在海上走得很快。The king got on the ship, and soon the wind picked up, and the ship was going very fast on the sea.

可是,風太大了,風把船吹翻了,國王再也回不來了。However, the wind was so fierce later that the ship was turned over, and the king never returned.

小雪離開了王宮。小雪,每天還在為窮人畫畫兒,Xiaoxue left the palace.  and continued to draw things for the poor every day,

只是沒有人知道他住在哪里。but nobody ever found out where she lives.


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January 18

How many books

一共有幾本書How many books

Teacher asked Zhongzhong: “If I give you one book first, then give you three books more, how many books do you have altogether?

中中說:「四本書。」Zhongzhong said: “Four books.”

The teacher asked again: “If I give you three books first, then give you one more, how many books do you have altogether?

中中馬上說:「八本書。」 Zhongzhong immediately said: “Eight books.”

老師問:「你剛才說四本書,為什麼現在說八本書呢?」Teacher asked, “You just said four books, why do you say eight books now?”

中中說:「剛才您不是給了我四本書嗎?」Zhongzhong said, “Haven’t you given me four books already?”

小雪手中一枝筆 Has a pen in Xiaoxu’s hand
小雪手中一枝筆 Xiaoxue has a pen in her hand.
什麼筆?毛筆。 What kind of pen? A Chinese brush pen.
什麼毛?羊毛。What kind of hair? Goat’s hair.
什麼羊?山羊。 What kind of goat? Mountain goat.
什麼山?高山。What kind of mountain? A high mountain.
高高山上山羊跑,On the high mountains the mountain goats run.
山羊身上長羊毛,The mountain goats have long white hair.
白白羊毛做毛筆,The white hair is good for making Chinese brush pens.
毛筆好,毛筆好,Brush pen are good to use, good to use,
拿起毛筆畫隻小黃鳥。Take up the brush pen to paint a little yellow bird.

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January 17

Twelve Zodiac

十二生肖Chinese zodiac

玉皇大帝要選十二生肖, 新年那天,他請各種動物來南天門吃午飯。On New Year’s Day, he invited the animals to have lunch in the Gate of South Heaven.

貓知道了,就告訴老鼠。When the cat knew it, it told the mouse.

他們約好了,新年早上一起去南天門。The cat told the rat when he heard about it, and they agreed to go to the Gate of South Heaven together in the morning of the New Year’s Day.

可是,除夕晚上,老鼠睡不著,他就起來,先跑到南天門去了。However, on New Year’s Eve, the mouse could not sleep, so he got up and went to the Gate of South Heaven by himself.

老鼠第一個來到南天門,過一會兒,牛也走來了。Therefore, the rat was the first animal who got there. The ox got there after him.

又過了一會兒,老虎跑來了,兔子跳來了,龍飛來了,蛇也爬來了。Not long after that, the tiger ran over, the rabbit hopped over, the dragon flew over, and the snake crawled over.

天亮了,雞把馬、羊、猴子,狗和豬都叫起來了。At dawn (when morning came), the rooster awaked the horse, the goat, the monkey, the dog and  the pig (boar).

馬走在最前面,豬跟在最後頭。 這六個動物一起來到南天門。The horse went first in line, and the pig (boar) was the last.  All six animals arrived at the Gate of South Heaven.

到了中午,玉皇大帝說:恭喜你們! 你們十二種動物就是十二生肖了。At noon, the Jade Emperor announced to them, Congratulations! Your twelve animals will represent the twelve zodiacs.

老鼠第一個到,今年就叫鼠年,以後就招照鼠牛虎兔龍蛇馬羊猴雞狗豬的順序輪下去。Since the rat arrived first, the first year will be the Year of the Rat, and the rest of the eleven animals will be in order of ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.

大家沒看見貓,就問:貓怎麼沒來?Then they noticed that the cat was not there. How come the cat isn’t here?

老鼠說:他還在睡覺,我沒叫醒他。They ask the rat.  He is still asleep; I did not wake him up.  Answered the rat.

大家說: 啊哈! 你完蛋了,你完蛋了!Everyone said: Aha! You are finished!  They warned the rat.

貓以後不會原諒你的。The cat is not going to forgive you.




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January 16

How to Get Home

怎麼回家How to Get Home

天黑了!天黑了!It is getting dark! It is getting dark!

小馬怎麼回家?小馬會跑回家。How does the pony get home? The pony can run back home.

青蛙怎麼回家?青蛙會跳回家。How does a frog go home? The frog can jump back home.

小魚怎麼回家?小魚會游回家。How does the little fish go home? Little fish can swim back home.

小鳥怎麼回家?小鳥會飛回家。How does the little bird get home? Little bird can fly back home.

蝸牛怎麼回家?蝸牛會爬回家。How does the snail go home? A snail can crawl back home.

天黑了!天黑了!It is getting dark! It is getting dark!

妹妹跟我怎麼回家?妹妹跟我一起走回家。How do my younger sister and I go home? My younger sister and I will walk back home together.

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January 15

The Story of the Monster Nian

『年』的故事 The story of the monster Nian

很久很久以前,高山上有一隻長得很可怕、很愛睡覺的怪獸。 它的名字叫「年」。
The legend says, long ago, there was a ferocious and lazy monster call Nain who lived in the mountains and always was asleep.
Every winter, the monster was up for one day.
After dark, Nian came down from the mountains to find something to eat.
年喜歡吃動物也喜歡吃人。Nian likes to eat animals as well as people.
天黑以後,大家都不敢出門。After dark, nobody dared to go out.
有一回,天還沒黑,年突然跑下山來,Once Nian came down before it was dark,
Nian suddenly heard some cracking noise, he got scared and ran away.
Nian saw someone in red sitting outside of the door, Nian was frightened away and ran back to the mountains.
Someone figured out that Nian was afraid of the color of red, Afraid to hear the sound of crackling,
Everyone put red paper on the gate, also burn bamboo to make the cracking noise.
As a result, on that night, Nian dared not come down the mountain again.
The next day everyone came out to see that everyone was safe,
everyone is safe, They said “Congratulations” to each other.
Later, Nian never came out again.
Some people say that Nian has starved to death.
從此以後,那個晚上就叫除夕。From then on, that night was called New Year’s Eve.
家家放鞭炮、吃年夜飯。Every family sets off firecrackers and eats New Year’s Eve dinner.
除夕晚上,家家祭祖。On New Year’s Eve, every family worships their ancestors,
Every family holds a memorial ceremony for the ancestors,
Children have to wish the seniors a happy new Year in a respectful way New Year’s greetings to their elders,
長輩給小孩子紅包叫壓歲錢。The elders give children red envelopes called lucky money.
第二天是新年,大家互相拜年,The next day is the New Year, everyone wishes each other a New Year,
互相說:「恭喜! 恭喜! 新年好」。Say to each other: “Congratulations! Congratulations! Happy New Year”.


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January 14

Spring is coming

Spring and the Spring Festival
Who knows how many days there are in a year?
我知道! 一年有365天。
I know! There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a year.
Who knows how many months there are in a year?
我知道! 一年有十二個月。
I know! There are twelve months in a year.
Who knows, what festival(holiday) is Chinese New Year?
我知道! 我知道!
I know! I know!
Chinese New Year is the Spring Festival.

春天到了 Spring is coming

沙!沙!沙!是誰在窗外?Sha! Sha! Sha! Who is outside the window?

我是小雪花,我只是來說聲再見,I’m a little snowflake, I have only come to say goodbye,

下個冬天,我會再來,Next winter, I will come back again,

送給你一個雪白的世界。To give you a snow-white world (a world of snow white).

沙!沙!沙!是誰在窗外?Sha! Sha! Sha! Who is outside the window?

我是小雨點兒,我只是來告訴你,I’m a little raindrop, I’m only come to tell you,

春天快來了,我要和春風,Spring is almost here, I want to be with the spring breeze,

送給你一個彩色的世界。Give you a colorful world (a world of colors).

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January 13

The trip of the Little Drops of Water

小水滴旅行The Trip of the Little Drops of water

一顆一顆小水滴都睡醒了。 The little drops of water woke up one by one.

大家說:「好舒服啊!我們去旅行吧!」Everyone said: “It feels so comfortable! Let’s go traveling!

他們唱著歌,從草原上流到小河裡。They while singing and flowed from the meadow to the small river.

一里、兩里、三里,他們唱著歌,又從小河裡流入大海裡。One mile, two miles, three miles, they sang songs(still sing), and flowed from the small river into the sea.

太陽公公說:「你們唱什麼歌?唱得真好聽!你們來天上玩吧!」Mr. Sun said, “What song are you singing? It’s so beautiful! Come up and play in the sky!”

小水滴身體變得又大又輕,他們飛起來了。The bodies of the little water drops became bigger and lighter, and they flew up.

他們抱在一起,變成一朵一朵的雲。They hugged each other and turned into clouds.

一陣風吹過來大家說:「好冷呀,我們回家吧!」When the wind blew over and everyone said, “It’s getting cold, let’s go home!”

小水滴就從天上跳下來。The little water droplets jumped down from the sky.

(the drops of water jumped back to the ground)

青蛙說:「下雨了!下雨了!」The frog said, “It’s raining! It’s raining!”

小水滴下在樹上、花上、草上……The rain drops fell on the trees, flowers, grass…

小水滴累得睡著了。The rain drops got so tired and fell asleep.

啊! 小水滴又睡醒了,Ah! The little drops woke up again,
Everyone said: “It feels so comfortable! Let’s go traveling again!


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