October 30

Appreciating Chinese Opera(一)-B

觀賞國劇Appreciating Chinese Opera
Yesterday, I went with a friend to see a Chinese opera.
你覺得怎麼樣? 喜歡嗎? What did you think? Did you like it?
我第一次觀賞國劇,根本看不懂。 他們到底在演什麼故事? It was the first time I watching a Chinese opera. I didn’t understand it at all. What kind of story are they playing?
國劇多半是演歷史上忠、孝、節、義的故事。 如果你不知道中國歷史, 你就不容易看懂。 Chinese opera usually dramatizes Chinese historical stories about loyalty, filial piety, fidelity and the righteousness. If you don’t know Chinese history, it’s not easy for you to understand.
不過,我很喜歡國劇的戲服,那些演員穿的戲服,戴著頭飾都漂亮極了。 However, I really like the costumes of Chinese operas. The costumes and headgear of the actors are very beautiful.
即使跑龍套的戲服也都很華麗。 對吧?
Even the performers in minor roles were in colorful costumes. Right?
沒錯! 那些演員可以穿那麼多, 還能翻跟鬥,做舞蹈動作,跑來跑去的真厲害!
That’s right! Those actors can wear that much, do somersaults, do dance moves, and run around! 那些演員可是訓練了很多年才能在舞臺上表演呢 Those actors have been trained for years to perform on stage
不過,鑼鼓喧天的聲音我可受不了,太大聲。 …
However, I couldn’t stand the loud guns and drums. it’s too loud.
Yet, audiences that appreciate Chinese opera love that kind of lively atmosphere.
對呀! 一邊舞蹈,一邊唱歌演員不會很累嗎?
Yes! Wouldn’t it be tiring for an actor to sing while dancing?
So it’s even more difficult to be a Chinese drama actor!
的確,他們太厲害了。Indeed, they are awesome.

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October 30

Appreciating Chinese Opera(一)-A

觀賞國劇Appreciating Chinese Opera


Yesterday, I went with a friend to see a Chinese opera.

你覺得怎麼樣? 喜歡嗎?

What did you think?  Did you like it?


It was the first time I saw a Chinese opera.  I didn’t understand it at all.


Chinese opera usually dramatizes Chinese historical stories about loyalty, filial piety, fidelity and the right eousness.


The costume and the head dresses worn by the performers were extremely beautiful


Even the performers in minor roles were in colorful costumes.


However, I couldn’t stand the loud guns and drums.


Yet, audiences that appreciate Chinese opera love that kind of lively atmosphere.

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October 29

The Great Confucius Memorial Ceremony-B

祭孔大典The Great Confucius Memorial Ceremony
thank you for inviting me out.
Where exactly is this place?
這裡就是有名的孔廟。 我今天特地帶你來參觀一下。
This is the famous Confucian Temple. I specially brought you to visit today.
Is it the place where the Confucius Ceremony is held every year?
That’s right, the annual sacrifice ceremony for Confucius is held on September 28, Confucius’ birthday.
I heard that there are a lot of people coming to see the Confucian sacrifice ceremony every year?
是的! 因為大家都對中國古代的禮儀很有興趣。
That’s because people are interested in watching ancient Chinese ceremonies
Are music and dance performed at the ceremony?
Yes, an ancient Chinese dance called the Ba Yi Dance will be performed
Is Confucius highly respected?
Yes, Confucius thought has had a extremely deep influence on Chinese culture. He has been called the Socrates of the east.
What are the most important aspects of Confucian thought?
I would say that would be “loyalty” “forgiveness” benevolence” and love.
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October 29

The Great Confucius Memorial Ceremony-A

祭孔大典The Great Confucius Memorial Ceremony

Many people are coming to see the ceremony to commemorate Confucius birthday
That’s because people are interested in watching ancient Chinese ceremonies
Are music and dance performed at the ceremony?
Yes, an ancient Chinese dance called the Ba Yi Dance will be performed
Is Confucius highly respected?
Yes, Confucius thought has had a extremely deep influence on Chinese culture. He has been called the Socrates of the east.
What are the most important aspects of Confucian thought?
I would say that would be “loyalty” “forgiveness” benevolence” and love.

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October 28

Chinese Classical Music-A

國樂Chinese Classical Music


Would you please give us an instruction to the Chinese musical instruments?

好的,我先介紹一些國樂裏常用的樂器。 這是古箏,那是琵琶。

OK, let me start with some of the frequently used instruments.  This is a guzheng and that is a pipa.


Are there any percussion instruments used in Chinese music?

當然有囉, 舞龍舞獅的時候不是又敲鑼又打鼓的嗎?

Of course.  Congs and drums are always played during the dragon and lion dances.


I saw somebody playing a bamboo flute that plays beautifully music.

竹子和簫都是用竹管做成的。 不過笛子是橫吹的, 簫是直吹的。

Horizontal flute and a vertical flute are both bamboo flutes. However horizontal flute is played horizontally, and a vertical flute is played vertically.


Do horizontal flute and a vertical flute song alike?


Let me play a piece of music for you with both flutes, and you will know how different they are.


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October 27

A Concert (II)

聽音樂會 A Concert


The poster for this concert is beautifully printed.


The concert is going to be spectacular. Even without the poster, the audience will still be large.


I bought a cup of the program. Would you like to take a look?


Yes! All the pieces that will be played today are my favorites.


Besides classical music, do you listen to pop music very often?


I like them both.


Let’s perform a duet someday. You can play a piano and I will play my violin.


You play much better than I do.  I do better start practicing more.


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October 26

A Concert (I)- A

聽音樂會A Concert

王偉:您好,請問芳芳在嗎?Hello is Fang-Fang there?

芳芳:我就是。 請問您是哪位? This is Fang-Fang speaking. May I ask who is calling?

王偉:我是王偉。 明晚一起去聽音樂會好嗎?This is Wang Wei. Are you interested in going to our concert?

芳芳:有哪些曲目呢? What kind of music will there be?

王偉:都是貝多芬和巴哈的作品。 all Beethoven and Bach.

芳芳:是鋼琴獨奏,還是管弦樂團的演奏呢? Is it a piano recital or a performance by an orchestra?

王偉:是紐約愛樂交響樂團的演奏。It’s performed by the New York Philharmonic Symphony orchestra.


You are really something!  I wasn’t able to get a ticket even after lined up for hours.

王偉:我運氣好。 明天晚上六點音樂廳見。I had good luck. See you tomorrow six p.m. at the concert hall.

芳芳:好,聽完音樂會,我請你喝咖啡。Great!  I will treat you a cup of coffee after the concert.

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October 25

Learning Painting(三)

學畫畫兒Learning Painting

在練習畫畫嗎?Are you practicing your painting
才上了幾次課, 還在練習執筆呢?I’ve only had a few lessons, I am still practicing how to hold the brush
這個像梅花花瓣的碟子是做什麼的?What is the plum flower petal dish for?
這是調顏色用的, 這個是筆洗, 那個是硯台。That is for mixed color pigments.  That one is for cleaning the brushes. that one is an inkstone.
初學國畫要先練習什麼呢?What do you practice first in traditional Chinese painting?
要學筆法,再臨摹畫冊。We start by learning how to make the strokes correctly.  then we make the copies  from picture albums.
我可以去旁聽你們的課嗎?May I go with you and sit in on you across?
好哇! 你可以來看看老師的教學示範。Sure!  you can come and watch the instructor give this demonstration.

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