October 28

Chinese Classical Music-A

國樂Chinese Classical Music


Would you please give us an instruction to the Chinese musical instruments?

好的,我先介紹一些國樂裏常用的樂器。 這是古箏,那是琵琶。

OK, let me start with some of the frequently used instruments.  This is a guzheng and that is a pipa.


Are there any percussion instruments used in Chinese music?

當然有囉, 舞龍舞獅的時候不是又敲鑼又打鼓的嗎?

Of course.  Congs and drums are always played during the dragon and lion dances.


I saw somebody playing a bamboo flute that plays beautifully music.

竹子和簫都是用竹管做成的。 不過笛子是橫吹的, 簫是直吹的。

Horizontal flute and a vertical flute are both bamboo flutes. However horizontal flute is played horizontally, and a vertical flute is played vertically.


Do horizontal flute and a vertical flute song alike?


Let me play a piece of music for you with both flutes, and you will know how different they are.


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Posted 2015-10-28 by huahuafun in category Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words