May 5

Welcoming the New Year (五)

迎接新的一年Welcoming the New Year


Teacher: Now I want to ask you all to begin your reports on the New Year’s activities of different countries.


Ann: In New York in America, many people count down on the night of December 31 to welcome in the New Year.


Jane: Australia’s New Year is in summer. The fireworks in Sydney when they celebrate the New Year are really famous.


John: In Italy, they intentionally throw things down and break them because the sound of something breaking brings good luck.

凱文:法國人喜歡全家在一起喝香檳酒,慶祝新年。 Kevin: French people like to drink champagne together to celebrate the New Year.

安娜:菲律賓人在那一天的晚上, 也跟別的國家一樣放煙火。

Anna: That evening Filipinos, like the people of other countries, set off fireworks.

家傑:一月一號那一天,日本的寺廟會敲108次鐘,代表108 種的煩惱都不見了。

Jake: On January 1, Japanese temples strike bells 108 times to symbolize the 108 troubles disappearing.


Teacher: In Taiwan, many cities set off fireworks the night of the New Year. Taipei 101’s fireworks in particular are very pretty.

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Posted 2016-05-05 by huahuafun in category Let's learn Chinese