January 11

Journey to the West II: The Golden Rod

西游记之二 金箍棒Journey to the West II: The Golden Rod

美猴王离开花果山以后,After the Monkey King left Hua Guo Mountain,

他找到世界上最有本事的仙人当老师.He finds the most powerful immortal in the world as his teacher (master).

仙人给他取名叫孙悟空。The immortal named him Sun Wu Kong.

三年以后,Three years later,

孙悟空学会了七十二变和驾云的本领,Sun Wu Kong had learned the skills of seventy-two transformations and the ability to somersault drive clouds,

他非常想家,他就驾着筋斗云飞回花果山。He was very homesick, so he flew back to Hua Guo Mountain in the cloud somersault.

这时候,有一群妖怪没食物吃,At this time, a group of monsters had no food to eat,

他们就跑到花果山抓猴子吃,They ran to Hua Guo Mountain to catch monkeys to eat,

孙悟空正好回来把妖怪打跑。Monkey King just came back to beat the monster away.

孙悟空回来以后,天天带着猴子们练习武功,After Monkey King came back, he took the monkeys to practice martial arts every day.

有一天,孙悟空的大刀坏了。One day, Monkey King’s sword broke.


Monkey King knew that the Dragon King of the East China Sea had many big swords in the ocean, so Monkey King went to the Dragon King of the East China Sea to borrow a big sword.

东海龙王叫乌龟抬出几把大刀,The Dragon King of the East China Sea asked the turtle to bring out some big knives,孙悟空看了一眼说:

不行!太轻了,像玩具一样!Sun Wukong took a look and said: no! So light, like a toy!

东海龙王又叫乌龟抬出最重的大刀,The Dragon King of the East China Sea also asked the turtle to carry out the heaviest sword,

孙悟空说:哈!原来海里的大刀都像玩具一样轻!Sun Wukong said: Ha! It turns out that the big knives in the sea are as light as toys!

东海龙王还不高兴,他说:The Dragon King of the East China Sea was not happy, he said:

哼,海底的金箍棒,谁都拿不动,Hmph, no one can hold the golden cudgel at the bottom of the sea,

如果你拿得动,我就送给你。If you can handle it, I’ll give it to you.

孙悟空站在金箍棒的面前,他一边看一边说:Sun Wu Kong stood in front of the golden rod, He look at it and said:

哎,就是太大了,如果小一点就好。”Well, it’s too big. It wish it could be smaller would be better.”

孙悟空刚说完,金箍棒就变小了,The minute he said that, the rod shrunk to a smaller size

他又说: 小!小!小!金箍棒变得比针还小。He said again: Smaller! Smaller! Smaller! Finally, the rod shrunk to a size smaller than a needle.

孙悟空把它放进耳朵里,Sun Wu kong gladly put the little rod in his ear,

他非常感谢东海龙王,He was very grateful to the Dragon King of the East China Sea,

可是东海龙王反悔了,But now the Dragon King of the East China Sea repented,

他要想办法把金箍棒抢回来。He had to find a way to snatch the golden Rod back.



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Posted 2015-01-11 by huahuafun in category MeiZhou Chinese