January 12

Giving Grandma a Silk Scarf

給外婆的一條絲巾,Giving Grandma a Silk Scarf

還有兩個星期, In two more weeks,

外婆就要從臺北來美國了。Grandma will come to the United States from Taipei

外婆在電話裡告訴我,Grandma told me over the phone,

他給我買了一件大衣,That she bought me a winter coat,

還給我買了一本西遊記,And bought me the book “Journey to the West”,

我聽了非常高興,I am very happy to hear that,

今天下午我買了一條絲巾,I bought a silk scarf this afternoon,

要送給外婆,To give to grandma,

這條絲巾是米色的,This silk scarf is in ivory color,

上面有許多金黃色和紅色的小花There are many little golden and red flowers on it,

非常好看。 Very beautiful.

我還寫了一張卡片,.I also wrote a card,

我在卡片上寫,I write on the card,

外婆Dear grandma

您是世界上最好的外婆,我愛您You are the best grandma in the world and I love you

青青敬上 Sincerely, Qingqing December First

我想外婆看了一定很高興。I think grandma must be very happy when she see these.



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Posted 2015-01-12 by huahuafun in category MeiZhou Chinese