January 20

Where are my glasses

我的眼鏡呢? Where are my glasses?
外公看報紙一定要戴老花眼鏡,When grandpa reads the newspapers. He must wear reading glasses.
他常常手裡拿著報紙找眼鏡。He often looks for his glasses with a newspaper in his hand
有一天, 外公在樓上叫:咦! 眼鏡呢?One day, my grandfather yelled from upstairs: Hey! Where are my glasses?
誰看見我的眼鏡了?Who has seen my glasses?
媽媽到廚房找、飯廳找、院子找。Mom looked for them the kitchen, the dining room, and the yard.
爸爸到客廳找、洗衣間找,Dad went to the living room and the laundry room to look for them.
他們都沒找到外公的眼鏡。They both couldn’t find Grandpa’s glasses.
友友到書房找,桌子上、椅子上、沙發上,You-you went to the study, and grandpa’s glasses were not on the desk, on the chair, nor on the sofa . ,
都沒有外公的眼鏡。Neither had grandfather’s glasses.
奇怪! 眼鏡會在哪呢?strangeness! Where will the glasses be?
友友跑上樓,這時候,他看見外公正在床上找眼鏡。You-you ran upstairs. At this time, he saw Grandpa looking for glasses on the bed.
友友笑著說:外公,我找到眼鏡了,You-you smiled and said: Grandpa, I have found the glasses,
外公問:在哪裡?Grandpa asked: Where are they?
友友說:就戴在外公的頭上啊!You-you said: You are wearing them on your head.

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Posted 2015-01-20 by huahuafun in category MeiZhou Chinese