January 21

A Priceless Gift

買不到的禮物A Priceless Gift
星期日早上, On Sunday morning,
青青說:媽媽! 你有一封信,在廚房的桌子上。
Qingqing said to mom: There is a letter for you on the table in the kitchen.
她說完就去上中文學校了。Then she left for Chinese school.
Mom opened the letter and found it was from Qingqing which asked her to do a present hunt starting in the living room.
媽媽覺得很有趣。 Mom thought it was an interesting idea.
媽媽在沙發上找到一封信。Mom found a letter on the sofa.
信上寫著:猜猜看,青青最喜歡哪本書?The letter said: Guess, which book is Qingqing’s favorite?
請媽媽去找找看。 Please find it.
媽媽心想:青青最愛看什麼書呢?My mother thought to herself: What book does Qingqing like to read most?
對了! 一定是西遊記,我去她的房間找找看。Ah hi!  It must be A Journey to the West, I will go to her room to look for it.
果然,西遊記和一封信在青青的床上。Sure enough, A Journey to the West book and a letter were on Qingqing’s bed.
信上寫著:鏡子,會告訴您,禮物在哪裡?The letter said: The mirror will tell you where to find your present!
媽媽心想:哪面鏡子呢? 他走進樓下的洗手間,My mother thought to herself: Which mirror is it?  She walked into the bathroom downstairs.
他在鏡子上看到:恭喜您! 禮物,就在後院。and she saw a note on the mirror: Congratulations!  The Presents right in the backyard.
媽媽在後院找了半天,最後在椅子下面,發現一個金色的盒子。After a long search in the backyard, Mom finally found a golden box underneath the bench.
媽媽好奇地把盒子打開。Mom opened the box curiously.
媽媽叫道:哇! 好漂亮呀,盒子裡面有一條粉紅色的貝殼項鍊和一張卡片。
Mom exclaimed: “Wow!” So beautiful, there was a necklace made of pink shells in the box, a card was also inside.
卡片上面寫著媽媽:祝你母親節快! 項鍊是我自己做的。
The card said: Dear Mom, Happy Mother’s Day to you!  I made this necklace just for you.
媽媽我愛您 mom I love you.
青青敬上 Sincerely, Qingqing
今天是母親節,全家一起出去吃飯的時候, Today is Mother’s Day, when the whole family goes out to eat together,
媽媽就帶著青青送的項鍊。Mom wore the necklace Qingqing gave her.
爸爸說:這條項鍊真漂亮!Dad complimented: This necklace is gorgeous!
媽媽對青青眨眨眼說:Mom winked at Qingqing and said:
This is one-of-a-kind (the only one in the world), It with all the money in the world (and money can’t buy it! )

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Posted 2015-01-21 by huahuafun in category MeiZhou Chinese