September 2

The bookstore B

來請喝茶。 Please, have tea.
咦! 你在看什麼? What are you looking at?
我在看你買的雜誌。 你看這些臺灣的風景照片都拍得好漂亮哦。
I’m looking at the magazine you bought. You can see how beautiful these Taiwanese landscape photos are.
是啊,這是很暢銷的雜誌。 我就是很欣賞這些美麗的照片,才把他們留下來。
Yeah, it’s a very popular magazine. I just love these beautiful photos so much that I keep them.
對了,上星期我買給你的小說。 喜歡嗎?
By the way, the novel I bought you last week. Like it?
喜歡! 我就放在第三排書架上。
like! I put it on the third row of bookshelves.
Next time I’ll borrow your other books.
對了。 我的表妹剛從美國來,也想看這本小說。 可是有一些生字他看不懂。 你能不能幫我買一本漢英字典呢?
Correct. My cousin just came from America and wants to read this novel too. But there are some new words he can’t understand. Can you buy me a Chinese-English dictionary?
可以啊,你要買哪一家出版社的。 精裝本還是平裝本?
Yes, which publisher do you want to buy? Hardcover or paperback?
Please help me choose a suitable one.
好啊! OK!

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Posted 2015-09-02 by huahuafun in category Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words