September 13

Taking The MRT A

搭捷運Taking the MRT


Excuse me. Is the next stop the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall?

還有三站才到呢。 我也在那站下車。

There are three more station to go. I also get off at that stop.

麻煩你下車的時候, 叫我一聲,我不認識路。

Could you tell me when you get off?  I‘m not familiar with the stops

沒問題。 下車以後,我帶你去國父紀念館。

No problem. After we get it off, I will take you to the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall.


The MRT station in Taipei it’s really very convenient. It is faster as well as smooth.


It is sure in especially when you are in a hurry,  you don’t have to be worried about the heavy traffic.

我跟朋友約好九點見面, 應該不會遲到吧?

I am going to meet a friend there at about nine o’clock.  I won’t be date, will I?


Take it easy, don’t worry.  We are already there.


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Posted 2015-09-13 by huahuafun in category Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words