October 8

It’s Snowing-B

下雪了It’s snowing
你看這個新聞You see this news
玉山下雪了。Yushan is snowing.
下雪了,好美哦!It’s snowing, so beautiful!
美的就像聖誕卡一樣。Beautiful like a Christmas card.
我可不這麼想哦I don’t think so
When I was studying abroad, it was a chore to shovel snow when it was snowing heavily.
In Taiwan, it’s news when even a small amount of snow falls on top of the high mountains.
大家都到高山去堆雪人。Everyone went to mountain to build a snowman.
什麼東西都是這樣,物以稀為貴。The scarcer a thing is, the more valuable it becomes.

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Posted 2015-10-08 by huahuafun in category Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words