October 24

Learning Painting(二)

學畫畫兒Learning Painting

你教我畫國畫好不好?Would you please teach me how to do traditional Chinese painting?

我哪裡有資格教人畫畫啊!I am not qualified to teach anyone to paint。 why can you teach me?

你對國畫那麼有研究,怎麼不能教呢?You know so much about traditional Chinese painting.

我雖然愛畫國畫,可是沒有教畫的經驗。Although I like to be to do traditional Chinese painting I have no experience in teaching panting

你太謙虛了,只要你肯教,我一定會用心學。You are too modest I will study diligently if you agree to teach me

那我就試試看。  你想學花鳥還是人物呢?Well, I will give it a try.  Would you like to paint flowers and birds. or portraits?

我對國畫外行,一切聽您的。I am novice I will do whatever you say


Specific theoretical knowledge is needed to learning traditional Chinese painting.  I suggest that you read this book on Chinese art history before we start our class.

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Posted 2015-10-24 by huahuafun in category Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words