Tableware / Cutlery Song
吃飯喽,要用什麼吃? It’s time to eat. What should I eat with it?
大大肚子是湯匙 Big belly is like a spoon.
舀起饭饭大口吃-好吃好吃 Scoop up the rice and eat it up- so delicious.
喝湯也要用湯匙 Use a spoon when drinking soup.
長腿叔叔是筷子 Chopsticks are like long-legged uncles,
筷筷合作一加一 Chopsticks work together (cooperation), one plus one,
蔬菜和肉夾夾夾來吃 Eat vegetables and meat pressed from either side together.
尖尖刺刺是叉子 Eat vegetables and meat pressed from either side together.
水果用它叉來吃 Eat fruits with a fork to pick.
但是 但是要小心 But be careful,
尖尖處會刺人The sharp point will sting/prick.
湯匙筷子和叉子 Spoons, chopsticks, and forks
都是吃飯的好幫手 They are all good helpers for eating.
湯匙筷子和叉子 Spoons, chopsticks, and forks