January 1

Got Sick

小男孩生病了 The little boy is sick


The little boy is sick; he lies dizzily on the bed.

喔,他看起來,糟透了! Oh, he looks horrible.

我得替他量一量體溫。I have to measure his temperature.

天呀,三十八度半!他發燒了!Oh boy! 38.5 degree Celsius, he has a fever.

讓我來,讓我來! Let me come!
讓我把他的燒給退了!The ice bag says: Allow me to rid his fever.

藥罐子Medicine says:

我也來! 嘿,小夥子醒一醒! 快把我吃了。I have come as well! Hey boy, wake up! Swallow me quickly.

我幫你把病毒趕走!Let me help you rid your virus.

熱開水Hot water cup:

還有我!還有我!快把我喝了,There is also me!  There is also me!

你的病,一定會好很多的!Drink me quickly.  Your body will definitely get well soon.

Category: Living Mandarin
January 1

I have a dream

做了一個夢 I have a dream

做了一個夢,我生病了,I had a dream; I was sick.

身體多麼虛弱又無力。My body was weak and incapable.

維他命、體溫計和冰水袋,全都趕來照顧我。Vitamins, thermometer, and the ice bag all came to take care of me.

還有一杯熱開水,也趕來提醒:「千萬別忘記,把我喝下去! 」A cup of boiling water also came to remind me to not forget to drink.

Category: Living Mandarin
December 30

Little lamb wants to eat a flower

小羊要吃花兒 Little lamb wants to eat a flower
山上一朵小白花兒, There was a little white flower on the mountain,
小羊要吃她, A little lamb wanted to eat her.
The little white flower cried and said, Please do not eat me! Do not eat me!
大黃牛看見了,就笑著說: A big yellow ox saw this, He smiled and said
小羊,花兒是看的,不是吃的。Little lamb! Flowers are for looking, not for eating.
你去找青草吃吧!Why don’t you go find some green grass to eat?
The little lamb thought for a moment, and went on to find green grass to eat.

Category: MeiZhou Chinese