August 2

My Friends and I

我和我的朋友My Friend and I

我姓言, 我叫言立明, My last name is Yen, my name is Yen Li-Ming

大家都叫我明明。and everyone calls me Ming-Ming.

我是中文學校一年級的學生,我喜歡我的學校。I am a first grade student at the Chinese school, and I like my school.

這位是林友友,大家都叫他友友,他是我的好朋友。That is Lin You-You, everyone calls him You-You, and he is my good friend.

那位是江禾中, 大家都叫他中中,他也是我的好朋友。 That is Jiang He-Zhong, everyone calls him Zhong-Zhong, and he is also my good friend.
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Category: MeiZhou Chinese
August 1

What is a Friend?

什麼是朋友?What is a Friend?

朋友就是——-你喜歡的人,也是喜歡你的人。A friend is—- Someone you like, who also likes you.

有的朋友是男孩兒 Some friends are boys,

有的朋友是女孩兒 Some are girls.

朋友也可能是—-一隻貓 一隻狗 或是一隻小老鼠A friend can also be—– A cat,A  dog,   Or a little mouse

學校里有許多同學There are lots of classmates at school

有時候,你也許覺得:「我沒有朋友! 」Sometimes, you may feel : I don’t have a single friend

別急! 別急! 慢慢來!Don’t be anxious! Don’t worry! Take it easy!

你一定會交到許多好朋友。You will make lots of good friends in no time.

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Category: MeiZhou Chinese
July 2


When I look at you, you look at me too.
When I smile, you smile too.
When I cry, you cry too
When I leave, You disappear too Continue reading

Category: MeiZhou Chinese
July 1

Little Mouth

小嘴巴,小嘴巴,Little mouth , Little mouth.

哭一哭,像喇叭,When you cry, you sound like a trumpet.

笑一笑,像朵花儿。When you smile you look like a flower.

小嘴巴,小嘴巴,Little mouth , Little mouth.

叫一叫,像小鸭,When you yell, you sound like a little duck.

唱一唱,像青蛙。When you yell, you sound like a little duck. Continue reading

Category: MeiZhou Chinese
June 15

My Hand Got Stuck

我的手拿不出來了 My hand got stuck
One day, Xiao-xiao saw a big jar of peanuts on the table.
It made Xiao-Xiao’s mouth water. He climbed up to the table.
He put one hand inside the jar and grabbed a handful of peanuts.
哎呀! 小小的手拿不出來了! 他急得大哭大叫。
Oh-no! Xiao-xiao’s hand got stuck inside the jar! He started crying and screaming.
Mom walked over and said, Try and let go of some peanuts.
Xiao-xiao pulled his hand out of the jar, and he was able to get some peanuts.
Xiao-xiao laughed happily,He had some peanuts to eat.
and also learned something.
小朋友! 想想看! 他明白了什麼?
Kids, think about this story. What did Xiao-Xiao learn?

Category: MeiZhou Chinese