January 6

The Missing Donkey

少了一頭驢 The Missing Donkey

小小趕著十頭驢,他一邊走,一邊數:Xiao-xiao was driving a herd of donkeys.  While walking, he counted them:

一二三四五六七八九十。“On, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten.”

小小走累了,他騎上一頭驢。小小數Xiao-xiao was too tired to walk, so he got on one of the donkeys and counted again,

一二三四五六七八九—-One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine—-
哎呀!不好了!少了一頭驢。“Oh-no! A donkey is missing.”

小小急得跳下來,他又數:Xiao-xiao panicked and jumped off the donkey.  He then counted again:

一二三四五六七八九 十。嗯!沒錯!Hmm,  It’s correct, he said.

小小騎上驢,他再數:Xiao-xiao got on the donkey’s back again.  He counted one last time.

二三四五六七八九—One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine—-

哎呀!怎麽又少了一頭?“Oh-no! A donkey is missing again.”

這是怎麽一回事兒?What on earth is going on?

Category: MeiZhou Chinese
January 4

There are ten different types of fruit on one tree

There are ten different types of fruit on one tree.
一二三四五六七八九十1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10,
There are ten different types of fruit on one tree, is this amazing or not?
Apple, banana, grapes, orange, tomato
Peach, apricot, papaya, plum, pear.  Continue reading

Category: MeiZhou Chinese
January 3


鬧鐘 Alarm Clock

我的身體裏, 有個小鬧鐘,There is a little alarm clock inside my body.

沒有長針和短針,There are no long hands or short hands,

也不會發出滴答聲,And it will not cause a tick-tocking sound,

可是它會咕嚕咕嚕咕嚕叫, 告訴我吃飯的時間。But it will make a gu-lu gu-lu sound, It tells me when to eat a meal. Continue reading

Category: Living Mandarin